Once you have that FOS USB boot drive created I want you to do the following things BEFORE you attempt to image.
USB Boot from this FOS boot drive
Pick option 6 (Debug)
Watch to see if the FOS Linux boots correctly.
If everything goes well, after a few enter key presses you should be dropped to a linux command prompt.
At the FOS linux command prompt key in lsblk make sure you can see the disks. Please post a picture here in the forum of the disk layout.
At the FOS linux command prompt key in ip addr show make sure eth0 has the proper IP address for your subnet.
If 5 and 6 pass then proceed to 7.
Schedule a capture/deployment task in the FOG Web ui.
USB boot the target computer, this time pick option 1 in the grub menu.
The target computer should image just fine. Report any error back in this thread.