I believe I have a viable migration process to get FOG services moved from set of servers to another set. This process takes into account Locations, Storage Groups, existing Hosts, etc. The system I’m migrating has 7 remote sites so that’s 8 locations and 8 servers - one FOG server and 7 FOG Storage Nodes, each at the end of a Static VPN WAN. The initial FOG server is an alias ‘fogserver’ in DNS and DHCP is served out by MS Domain Controllers at each site. Each Storage node serves out all that is needed for each remote location (PXE, initrd, snapins, and images). Each storage node is the master of its own storage group. We do replication manually, so there may be some snapin and image replication issues in this process that I can’t account for.
The process requires being able to harvest the digital identity of the initial FOG server for use on the replacement FOG server, so the replacement server needs the same name and IP address. This is necessary to allow existing hosts to be easily ‘acquired’ by the new system since the Hosts. I pursued a side-by-side migration that worked fine PXE booting->host registration->imaging, but failed for existing Hosts and, for unknown reasons, even new Hosts failed all software distribution steps. The idea of placing FOG required scripts in group policies wasn’t appealing for my purposes since we need the FOGService to work without the machine joining a domain.
I’m currently testing and will have a process “doc” soon. I’m interested in posting this process for FOG Project’s use if the powers that be find it useful.
I’ll post it here when it’s completed.
It seems to me that the need to change Linux distros is an age-old requirement as various Linux OSs have been dropped or usurped. Migration of FOG from CEntOS to any other Debian Linux should be well documented.
More soon.
Jim Graczyk