All of the info provided lent itself to the ultimate solution…
For anyone who wants to create images on one fog server and have them used on a completely separate, unique and different FOG Server, here’s the process I used.
We’ll create an image that has the FOGService on it associated with the first FOG Server (FOGServer1) by running Sysprep with shutdown. We’ll install the second FOG Server (FOGServer2) and acquire the certs from it by installing the FOGService on a PC and associating it with FOGServer2. We’ll edit the uploaded disk by attaching it as a “D:” drive to a PC and create or add to the SetupComplete.cmd file to load the FOGServer2 certs after Sysprep completes.
Here are the steps:
Build the image PC with OS, applications, etc. - whatever you want already installed. I subscribe to the notion that a windows image should contain the MS OS CD installed, FOGService Installed and then the rest of the content should come from Snapins. As little as possible should be done by hand because can seldom repeat the process if we have to. For this process, however, it doesn’t matter.
Install the FOG Client Service and associate it with the first FOG Server (FOGServer1). As stated above, I use Snapins to deploy content the makes up my images.
Run Sysprep with shutdown, then capture the image to the FOG server (FOGServer1).
Install the FOG Client Service on a PC associated with the 2nd FOG server (FOGServer2), accepting all defaults.
In the FOG folder (C:\Program Files\FOG or c:\Program Files (x86)\FOG) copy files ca.cert.der and fog.ca.cer to external storage
Deploy the image from FOGServer1 to a disk (a virtual is vastly perferred) with Shutdown. Do not let the machine attached to the disk boot.
Mount the disk to another computer as an additional disk (as in D Drive).
Using this other computer, edit the contents of the sysprep’d drive (D Drive)
Copy ca.cert.der and fog.ca.cer to the “D:\windows\setup\scripts” folder
Create SetupComplete.CMD file in “D:\windows\setup\scripts”, or add to the existing file
Add these lines for a 32 bit OS:
copy /y %windir%\Setup\Scripts\ca.cert.der “%programfiles%\FOG\ca.cert.der”
copy /y %windir%\Setup\Scripts\fog.ca.cer “%programfiles%\FOG\fog.ca.cer”
certutil -delstore Root “FOG Server CA”
certutil -delstore Root “FOG Project”
certutil -addstore Root “%programfiles%\FOG\ca.cert.der”
certutil -addstore Root “%programfiles%\FOG\fog.ca.cer” -
Add these lines for a 64 bit OS:
copy /y %windir%\Setup\Scripts\ca.cert.der “%programfiles(x86)%\FOG\ca.cert.der”
copy /y %windir%\Setup\Scripts\fog.ca.cer “%programfiles(x86)%\FOG\fog.ca.cer”
certutil -delstore Root “FOG Server CA”
certutil -delstore Root “FOG Project”
certutil -addstore Root “%programfiles(x86)%\FOG\ca.cert.der”
certutil -addstore Root “%programfiles(x86)%\FOG\fog.ca.cer” -
Dismount the additional disk, connect it to a machine associated with FOGServer2 as the system drive (C:), and capture the image to FOGServer2.
When Deploying the image to additional machines from FOGServer2, the machine will associate with the FOG Server2 but will not join the domain or run Snapins until you Reset Encryption for the new host (button found at the top of the “General” tab for the host).
One caveat - I use a DNS alias for all FOG Servers (creatively, I chose fogserver) so I don’t have to worry about FOG server name differences. If your FOGServer1 and FOGServer2 are in the same DNS zones, this won’t work, so if you have different FOG server names, you can save the setting,json file from the \program files\FOG folder from a PC associated FOGServer2 or just edit the one with the new FOG server name in it. When you’ve mount the imaged disk as an additional drive, copy the altered settings.json file to the \windows\setup\scripts folder (along with the certs) and add an additional ‘copy’ command to SetupComplete.cmd to get the file into the FOG folder (just like the certs). I haven’t tested this, so hopefully some who knows better will comment.
While the above process is a pain to execute for each image you create, each time you need to associate it with a new FOG Server, I find it far more cost effective than uninstalling the FOG Service and reinstalling it after imaging each PC.
- Please note that I had to place some very odd quotes around some paths because drive letters become emojis d:
Jim Graczyk