I have the vm restored to the previous state and I’m able to login with version 4388 on the cloud. This vm has the access control, ldap and location plugins installed.
On the vm that was cloned, I renamed the folders for access control and ldap then restarted the httpd service. On this vm I’m now able to reach the schema update page. After the schema update was updated the version number on the cloud is 4652.
After I was able to login I removed the plugins access control and ldap and restarted httpd. I was able to login OK, so I added back in ldap, access control and restarted http. This time on the login page I noticed (as with version 4388) the estimated fog sites and latest version values weren’t displayed only the rotating circles. I was able to login OK. I then removed the ldap plugin again. At the login page the estimated sites just showed the rotating circles. And finally I logged in and removed the access control plugin. Now at the login page I get the values of 4199 and version 1.2.0 (?? since I though this was 1.3.0). I added back in the ldap plugin without issue.
So you guess that it was the access control modules is spot on. I’ll wait a day or two so we can get the images deployed on the production FOG server then attempt to upgrade that one again.