@Hanz I’ll fix in a little bit. It’s something else causing the 500 and for that I’m sorry. At least I now know it’s trying to do as you requested about sending the hostname/snapin name etc…
Am I the only one that has this setup in such a large environment?
No I am sure we have others with similar large setups! As this has been around for a months without much new information and we solved most of the latest multicast issues with other users I am going to move this to the problem section. Please don’t get me wrong. I am very interested in finding out where the problem is with this. But as we don’t have others reporting a general multicast issue from 7088 upwards I kind of doubt this being a bug in FOG - although I might as well be wrong. Feel free to move it back if you can give us more solid information. For example full multicast.log as well as ps ax | grep -e udp -e FOG when partclone is waiting.
@Tom-Elliott I didn’t know you can allow/disallow options so easily… How about removing the “restart after completion” checkbox for snapins being deployed? The snapins area has the correct checkbox for rebooting after completion.
@Tom-Elliott nothing different per 6861. snapin acts as if it is initiated by client, but noithing happens, and return code is 0. I know this script works when run under SYSTEM if this is still the case.
snapin file exist drop down doesn’t coincide with sql database or /opt/fog/snapins folder. Is that what was “known” ?
@Hanz Seems as though there are a few hosts with competing clients…that is the newer version installed and then the older is getting installed via gpo.
@Tom-Elliott yessir, sorry so long to get back to you, but that was it, and client registers normally now. I guess that’s the only interface I didn’t check for in database…Loopback I guess
# This script adds all fog hosts to the below specified group name.
# the group name is case sensitive.
snmysqluser="$(grep 'snmysqluser=' $fogsettings | cut -d \' -f2 )"
snmysqlpass="$(grep 'snmysqlpass=' $fogsettings | cut -d \' -f2 )"
snmysqlhost="$(grep 'snmysqlhost=' $fogsettings | cut -d \' -f2 )"
if [[ $snmysqlhost != "" ]]; then
hostIDs=$(mysql -s -h$snmysqlhost -u$snmysqluser -p$snmysqlpass -D fog -e "Select hostID from hosts")
groupID=$(mysql -s -h$snmysqlhost -u$snmysqluser -p$snmysqlpass -D fog -e "Select groupID from groups where groupName = '$groupName'")
for i in ${hostIDs[@]}; do
mysql -s -h$snmysqlhost -u$snmysqluser -p$snmysqlpass -D fog -e "insert into groupMembers (gmHostID,gmGroupID) values (${i},$groupID)"
elif [[ $snmysqlpass != "" ]]; then
hostIDs=$(mysql -s -u$snmysqluser -p$snmysqlpass -D fog -e "Select hostID from hosts")
groupID=$(mysql -s -u$snmysqluser -p$snmysqlpass -D fog -e "Select groupID from groups where groupName = '$groupName'")
for i in ${hostIDs[@]}; do
mysql -s -u$snmysqluser -p$snmysqlpass -D fog -e "insert into groupMembers (gmHostID,gmGroupID) values (${i},$groupID)"
hostIDs=$(mysql -s -D fog -e "Select hostID from hosts")
groupID=$(mysql -s -D fog -e "Select groupID from groups where groupName = '$groupName'")
for i in ${hostIDs[@]}; do
mysql -s -D fog -e "insert into groupMembers (gmHostID,gmGroupID) values (${i},$groupID)"
@Wayne-Workman I think it’s very close indeed, and do realize there are a lot of things that needed to be changed in order to make gpt/uefi/windows 10 work properly. I’m not really complaining as I’ve used many different coding languages, except php, and completely understand the complexities with trying to perfect a program, but we should have a better idea than “hopefully sometime”. It’s just a little discouraging sometimes.