SVN 6919 Snapin uploaded with wrong permissions
@Hanz That’s a feature request.
@Hanz What do you mean by double tasking? I ask this because imaging tasks (other than download – without snapin, and uploads) automatically creates the snapin tasking as well. The other way around, could be done, just needs logic to be added to make the adjustment. Snapin Only taskings (Single or all) do not have any requirement for OS to be booted forcibly.
Adding WOL for Snapin taskings is actually very simple, because I can just tell the package generation to not immediately return at that point, at which point it would cause WOL (or I can just add the WOL snippets into the snapin generation portion).
@Tom-Elliott I’d suggest making it a check-box. “Wake host for task”
@Tom-Elliott maybe better idea to add option under snapin mgmt…if you try to task snapin, and then Wol, won’t work already taking host. WOL then snapin would, but hard to catch all computers before they boot to technically immediately deploy them.
Wayne beat me typing.
@Hanz All tasks are checked and sent WOL (as set/needed) via the FOGScheduler service. So if one WOL fails to run, the next check should start it.
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Hanz All tasks are checked and sent WOL (as set/needed) via the FOGScheduler service. So if one WOL fails to run, the next check should start it.
Is that new? I don’t want computers that are off just turning on for a snapin… it can wait lol. That said - I would like the option of WOL for snapins.
@Wayne-Workman The FOGScheduler service has been checking for WOL to occur for quite some time, though it was only implemented (I believe) in the trunk versions. Snapin tasks do not generate WOL packets anyway. In either case, it doesn’t hurt anything either (or shouldn’t at least).
@Tom-Elliott sry to get ahead on the feature requests, I’ll start checking that section first. And I second the idea of at least an option to check that to make it generate one.
@Hanz I’ve added a checkbox that enables the users to allow/disallow WOL requests with the exception of a wake up tasking (because that would seem a rather poor choice…let’s do a WOL Task, and let’s not allow it to do WOLL).
@Tom-Elliott I didn’t know you can allow/disallow options so easily… How about removing the “restart after completion” checkbox for snapins being deployed? The snapins area has the correct checkbox for rebooting after completion.