SVN 6815 + Snapins aren't seen in gui (snapin file exists) after upload
I’m current running SVN 6849 and possibly since 6777 snapins don’t show in gui (snapin files exist) although they appear in /opt/fog/snapins with full permissions and ownership by fog:apache.
This bytes, but yes, it’s somewhat known about. If i move the getter, we get more issues than as it currently stands. From what I can tell, however, it is not from the files existing/not existing. FOG uses ftp to find what files exist. However, if it can’t connect it destroys the main item.
Can you run through the
@Tom-Elliott it wil remove and add file appropriately(Delete/Add in gui) although without correct permissions in /opt/fog/snapins; however gui willl not show it under (snapin file exists).
If I try to add cmd /c to my newly created snapin I get this error in gui
A file to use for the snapin must be either uploaded or chosen from the already present list
VSFTP checked out and Index Of Shown under ftp://X.X.X.X
GUI is also showing old snapins that aren’t in directory or in database under same drop down box.
Really seems lika a GUI read issue somewhere…which dissallows further function of snapin.
@Hanz I’ve adjusted the code base to try addressing the display of the existing snapin files.
I don’t know if it will break or work, so please let me know.
@Tom-Elliott nothing different per 6861. snapin acts as if it is initiated by client, but noithing happens, and return code is 0. I know this script works when run under SYSTEM if this is still the case.
snapin file exist drop down doesn’t coincide with sql database or /opt/fog/snapins folder. Is that what was “known” ?