@sjensen Just as a precaution - make sure you have a backup copy of all your important data from this system. I won’t be made liable for any steps you take!
So let’s take a look at the whole process of resizing which involves several “layers” - see below.
In the output of pvscan we see that the physical volume on /dev/sda3 is 400 GB in size and has 100 GB free/not in use. So gparted has extended the partition but not the physical volume (in LVM terms). To do that run:
pvresize /dev/sda3The next step is to tell the logical volume (LV) to use that new space:
lvextend -l+100%FREE /dev/FOGServer-vg/rootAs a final step you need to extend the filesystem.
resize2fs /dev/FOGserver-vg/rootFinally check the partition size in the output of df -h.