This has been fixed. It was an accidental mix up. I tested the code and found the problem and corrected. Then I overwrote my edits mistakenly and missed this file. Thank for reporting and it is now corrected for.
Okay. solved the host list issue by clearing the tables hosts and hostMAC and then reimporting the csv file.
The PHP error message is gone as well after updating.
But new issue now - maybe better for another thread - php requests are slow to load now (including /fog/service/ipxe/boot.php - which sometimes times out)
@Tom-Elliott Thanks for the fix. It works now (git5040).
For the Database changes - they seem to be OK too:
snapinAssoc: removed snapin associations are deleted from table, Auto_Increment not increased
hostMAC: the table entries for the hosts the snapin has been removed have been rewritten -> new hmIDs, Auto_Increment increased by the number of hosts in the group