In its simplest form that we run, some of our FOG servers are stationary, others move around. For us to have a single solution build that works for any location, all of our FOG servers are configured to grab an IP via external DHCP reservation.
I copy and paste the following to the CLI to edit rc.local:
cp -f /etc/rc.local /etc/rc.local.old
if [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then
echo ' ' >> /etc/rc.local
echo 'make_fog_portable' >> /etc/rc.local
echo ' ' >> /etc/rc.local
sed -i "s|exit 0|make_fog_portable &|g" /etc/rc.local
echo ' ' >> /etc/rc.local
echo 'exit 0' >> /etc/rc.local
chmod 755 /etc/rc.local
echo '#!/bin/bash' > /bin/make_fog_portable
echo '#' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo '# make_fog_portable &' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo '#' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo '# This script is expected to be run as a job from /etc/rc.local' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo '# It will wait until an IP address is found, then use that IP' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo '# address to configure the FOG Server for that site.' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo '#' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo ' ' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
echo 'exit 0' >> /bin/make_fog_portable
chmod 755 /bin/make_fog_portable
vim /bin/make_fog_portable
At the now open file ‘make_fog_portable’ Insert the following, before “exit 0” ; [ESC]:wq to write/quit
# Wait for an IP address
IP=`ip addr list eth0 | grep "inet " |cut -d" " -f6|cut -d/ -f1`
while [ -z $IP ]
echo "Waiting :05 for an IP Address" > /dev/kmsg
sleep 5
IP=`ip addr list eth0 | grep "inet " |cut -d" " -f6|cut -d/ -f1`
# Make FOG Server Portable
sleep 6
echo "Updating IP address for FOG_TFTP_HOST to be $IP [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
mysql --user=root -e "UPDATE \`globalSettings\` SET \`settingValue\` = '$IP' WHERE \`settingKey\` ='FOG_TFTP_HOST';" fog
echo "Updating IP address for FOG_WEB_HOST to be $IP [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
mysql --user=root -e "UPDATE \`globalSettings\` SET \`settingValue\` = '$IP' WHERE \`settingKey\` ='FOG_WEB_HOST';" fog
echo "Updating IP address for FOG_WOL_HOST to be $IP [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
mysql --user=root -e "UPDATE \`globalSettings\` SET \`settingValue\` = '$IP' WHERE \`settingKey\` ='FOG_WOL_HOST';" fog
echo "Updating IP address for Storage Node DefaultMember to be $IP [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
mysql --user=root -e "UPDATE \`nfsGroupMembers\` SET \`ngmHostname\` = '$IP' WHERE \`ngmMemberName\` ='DefaultMember';" fog
echo "Updating IP address in file .fogsettings to be $IP [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
sed -i "s|ipaddress=\".*\"|ipaddress=\"$IP\"|" /opt/fog/.fogsettings
echo "Updating IP address in file default.ipxe to be $IP [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
sed -i "s|http://\([^/]\+\)/|http://$IP/|" /tftpboot/default.ipxe
sed -i "s|http:///|http://$IP/|" /tftpboot/default.ipxe
echo "Sleeping 10 seconds before releasing script [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
sleep 10
echo "releasing script [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
Complete the generalization with this; you will also need to run this after any FOG trunk update:
if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
cd /var/www/fog/lib/fog
if [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then
cd /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog
cp -f config.class.php config.class.php.old
sed -i "s|\".*\..*\..*\..*\"|\$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']|" config.class.php
Why a job at startup? In the case of a power failure, the FOG server itself whether it be physical or virtual will almost invariably be available long before the site’s switches finish their POSTs and the network is available again. The loop to check for an IP prevents the FOG server coming up without an IP or in the case of a mobile server, forces the new IP into FOG’s configuration before it has a chance to start.
This solution even allows us to change the subnet entirely and the server will always, automatically reconfigure itself according to the new DHCP reservation.
Works like a charm.
This works on Ubuntu 14-, 15+, Debian 8+ and CentOS 7.
It is into this make_fog_portable job that I would also add any code for restarting critical services:
# Ubuntu 14-
sleep 6
echo "Restarting tftpd-hpa [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
service tftpd-hpa restart
sleep 6
echo "Restarting mysql [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
service mysql restart
sleep 6
echo "Restarting FOGMulticastManager [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
service FOGMulticastManager restart
# Debian 8+, Ubuntu 15+
if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
echo "Restarting Critical FOG Services [`date`]" > /dev/kmsg
systemctl restart tftp* mysql* FOG* apache*