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  • RE: Email not sending post image deploy

    Simply Installing “Postfix” on Alma Linux and rebooting the server did the trick. After the server came back up, I successfully deployed an image, and afterwards the email came through without an issue. Had all the information filled out appropriately as well. Thank you very much Tom!

    posted in FOG Problems
  • Feature Request - Email Test Feature

    Requesting a feature addition in the “FOG Settings > FOG Email Settings” section that would allow an admin to test whether or not email is working. This would be similar to other programs that have a “test email” button with a box of who to send the test email to.

    Or perhaps some built in logic to test if postfix or other email prereqs that FOG needs to send email post image deployment.

    posted in Feature Request
  • RE: OS Details no longer working

    @Tom-Elliott As usual Tom you are a genius. I had forgotten to add the individual search domains for our active directory domains. Once I added those, and waited the requisite amount of time you mentioned, the machines that are on came back and now I can see them in the interface. This was super helpufl and I sincerely appreciate all the effort and insight you folks give into this great product.

    For those experiencing the same issue on mainstream linux distros, navigate to your “resolv.conf” config file located in /etc/resolv.conf and add your individual search domains. Test a ping to a DNS name via command line on the box itself, then check your GUI again. Took about 2 minutes for it to reflect and show for me.


    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Email not sending post image deploy


    I thought FOG used “sendmail” so I installed that on the box. I am working on FOG version 1.6, and i copied over the settings from my previous working FOG install, but I suspect the email software on linux itself not being configured is where the issue is.

    We do have an internal SMTP server that I could relay to, if that is a possibility. I would just need to know where in linux to configure that relay. I guess what I need is where to start looking for email config using sendmail, or some other built in linux mail program.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • OS Details no longer working

    Environment - Dell Poweredge server running Alma Linux 9.5

    FOG client 0.13

    We recently migrated to a new FOG server (Wanted newer/better hardware). While FOG installed, and is functioning when capturing and deploying images, the “OS Details” feature on the “Hosts” screen shows a red exclamation mark for all new hosts we attach. Previously on the old server, it would sometimes glitch and show the exclamation mark. Now ALL of them show this. Am I missing a setting in the FOG client or Windows firewall setting on the host PC? While the feature isn’t critical, it was nice to see all green across the board. Thanks everyone!


    posted in FOG Problems
  • Email not sending post image deploy

    Environment - Dell Poweredge server running Alma Linux 9.5

    We recently migrated to a new FOG server (Wanted newer/better hardware). While FOG installed, and is functioning, the email function that occurs post successful image deploy no longer works.

    I installed sendmail on the linux server, and set the settings in FOG Configuration > FOG Settings > FOG Email Settings to match the settings on our old server. Is there something I am missing? Did I have to modify a config somewhere or something? Or add in settings to sendmail to get this to work? Any assistance would be appreciated as this was a nice feature we enjoyed.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: unable to install CA certificate

    Environment - Dell Poweredge server running Alma Linux 9.5

    Not to dredge up an old forum post, but I experienced this same error after migrating from an old CentOS server to newer hardware and Alma Linux. (What apparently many are moving to now).

    For me the issue seemed to be related to trying to pull an image from a laptop that had the previous client on it. I have 2 computers that I use as dedicated imaging devices, 1 laptop and 1 desktop. I uninstalled the old FOG client, but when installing the new client and attempting to point it to the server, I got the CA Certificate error mentioned on the “Pinning” stage of the install. I tried to find an old cert on the device itself, with no luck.

    What I ended up attempting after doing a little digging was to add back the following Windows firewall rules. I did that, and it seemed to kick over immediately and installed on the very next try. I am unsure if this is coincidence or if the firewall rules truly needed to be on the device before installing. But it worked after that and I now have a successfully pulled base image like I utilized on the previous server. The rules I used in an elevated command prompt are below. Perhaps someone from the FOG community can comment on the accuracy of my firewall rules? Good luck and hope this helps someone in need!

    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Client” dir=in action=allow program=“%ProgramFiles(x86)%\FOG\FOGService.exe”
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Shutdown” dir=in action=allow program=“%ProgramFiles(x86)%\FOG\FOGShutdownGUI.exe”
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Tray” dir=in action=allow program=“%ProgramFiles(x86)%\FOG\FOGTray.exe”
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Update Helper” dir=in action=allow program=“%ProgramFiles(x86)%\FOG\FOGUpdateHelper.exe”
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog Update Waiter” dir=in action=allow program=“%ProgramFiles(x86)%\FOG\FOGUpdateWaiter.exe”
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=“Fog User Service” dir=in action=allow program=“%ProgramFiles(x86)%\FOG\FOGUserService.exe”

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Compile error

    Just checking in here to Mark this as SOLVED. I had added the dev branch under a different folder. So the mix up was between the chair and the keyboard. Performed @Tom-Elliott Recommendations and reinstalled from my primary install and it is now working. trying to pxe boot MacBookPro’s. That’s another story, for another thread.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Compile error


    I am have a current installation and am trying to get early macbookpro efi 2009 to 2012 to pxe boot. I thought I’d try to recompile just ipxe but got that error message. I ran your commands as instructed.

    I’m not sure if I should recompile the whole thing or try ipxe only.

    oh btw. Have you ever compiled ipxe main branch before? How long should that take? normally…


    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Compile error

    @Tom-Elliott Hi T

    Here it is:

    root@fogserver:~/fogproject# git reset --hard
    HEAD is now at 3eaa83b73 FOG 1.5.10 re-release
    root@fogserver:~/fogproject# git pull
    remote: Enumerating objects: 7854, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (1340/1340), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (79/79), done.
    remote: Total 7854 (delta 1287), reused 1261 (delta 1261), pack-reused 6514 (from 4)
    Receiving objects: 100% (7854/7854), 41.43 MiB | 20.48 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (3764/3764), completed with 155 local objects.
       3eaa83b73..a4bb1bf39  master      -> origin/master
     + edb875c16...423a55d2e dev-branch  -> origin/dev-branch  (forced update)
     * [new branch]          stable      -> origin/stable
     + b8e076d37...4101c44b9 working-1.6 -> origin/working-1.6  (forced update)
     * [new tag]    ->
     * [new tag]    ->
     * [new tag]    ->
     * [new tag]    ->
     * [new tag]    ->
     * [new tag]    ->
     * [new tag]      ->
     * [new tag]      ->
     * [new tag]      ->
    Updating 3eaa83b73..a4bb1bf39
    Fast-forward | 29 ++++++++++++++---------------
     1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
    Should I rerun the installer?
    posted in FOG Problems