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  • RE: Trouble imaging HP x360's

    @Mr_____T Well, I have discovered a work around. According to our consultant, the legacy wrapper message in the 1st or 2nd image was kinda the key. the X360 has no wired nic port and the usb nic adabter is recognized as a legacy booting device. But the unit only boots efi. I followed this link for starters:

    Kernel runtime parameter:

    Next I added the MAC addresses from each usb dongle I have available. Then, from the fog web interface:

    list all hosts
    Select the host
    Basic Tasks tab
    Deploy tab
    Task (I first checked debug and followed the bread crumbs no issues)
    Imaging commenced.

    This is quite a bit more work than I was hoping to do just to image one machine. I was hoping someone out there could come out of the fog (pun intended) and provide some feedback.

    So this is not solved. But a work around that does. If you got this far Tx

    posted in FOG Problems
  • Trouble imaging HP x360's

    This is an update to: ( I couldn’t edit it so I’m referencing it here. Sorry for any confusion caused.

    In the body below I have added some pictures for reference and some of my software running on this system.


    FOG 1.5.10 running on (K)ubuntu server 24.04 VM, on top of Proxmox 8.3.3.

    I am relatively inexperienced with troubleshooting software and I have a problem. We are trying to image 200 HP Elitebook x360 830 13 inch G10 2 in 1 NoteBook PC’s using kubuntu 24.04. I have managed to capture an image. But for every attempt to apply an image to clients I get:

    3 related Pictures

    Because the this model has no ethernet port, had to spoof the MAC of an USB 3.0 to ethernet dongle. to capture the image. To deploy the image, I ave tried checking off i.m.c. and i.m.i. I thought that somehow my issue was related to the host / images MAC.

    Initially, configuring the client’s firmware to actually pxe boot and the image the unit from a host already on the system, I needed to register the client. However, after this I was unable to image another w/o deleting host on the server. Still it felt like the HP windows centric firmware was some how in the way. Now not so sure. So, I need some troubleshooting tips so my clients get to the images menu. Get that far and the rest is history. Let me know what kind of information needed to help with my issue.

    Tia) edited added some pictures for reference.


    FOG 1.5.10 running on (K)ubuntu server 24.04 VM, on top of Proxmox 8.3.3. DHCP is provided by UniFi Dream. We’re using dnsmasq to provide legacy capabilities.

    I am relatively inexperienced with troubleshooting software and I have a problem. We are trying to image 200 HP Elitebook x360 830 13 inch G10 2 in 1 NoteBook PC’s using kubuntu 24.04. I have managed to capture an image. But for every attempt to apply an image to clients I get:

    3 related Pictures

    Because the this model has no ethernet port, had to spoof the MAC of an USB 3.0 to ethernet dongle. to capture the image. To deploy the image, I ave tried checking off i.m.c. and i.m.i. I thought that somehow my issue was related to the host / images MAC.

    Initially, configuring the client’s firmware to actually pxe boot and the image the unit from a host already on the system, I needed to register the client. However, after this I was unable to image another w/o deleting host on the server. Still it felt like the HP windows centric firmware was some how in the way. Now not so sure. So, I need some troubleshooting tips so my clients get to the images menu. Get that far and the rest is history. Let me know what information is needed to help with my issue.


    posted in FOG Problems
  • Selecting Deploy an image boots to text menu


    I am relatively inexperienced with troubleshooting software and I have a problem. We are trying to image 200 HP Elitebook x360 830 13 inch G10 2 in 1 NoteBook PC’s using kubuntu 24.04. I have managed to upload an image to the FOG server, but for every attempt to apply an image to clients, I get a text based menu with 7 selections. I believe that MAC addresses are involved. I had to spoof the MAC of an USB 3.0 to ethernet dongle. to get an image up to the host. I ave tried checking off i.m.c. and i.m.i. I thought that somehow my issue was related to the host / images MAC.

    Now the rub here. is initially, configuring the client’s firmware to actually pxe boot and the image the unit from a host already on the system, I needed to register. However, after this I was unable to image another w/o deleting host on the server. Still it felt like the HP windows centric firmware was some how in the way. Now not so sure. So, I need some troubleshooting tips so my clients get to the images menu. Get that far and the rest is history. Let me know what kind of information needed to help with my issue.


    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Unclear how to drop devices into specific OUs on Domain Join

    @joshua_mchugh George’s mention of using a post install script to do it is more advanced but very worth the effort. Having it domain joined via sysprep specialize simplifies things in the long run.
    That being said, you’re probably misunderstooding groups, because they’re a little confusing. Groups in Fog do not dynamically update the OU of the host members, but it can be used to set the OU in bulk on members. There is a plugin to change the behavior of groups if you want, but I’d try it the normal way first.
    But if you set the OU on the host, then when it joins the domain via the fog client, it will be in that OU. It will not move a host to a different OU, unless you do something like manually leave the domain and change the computer name and then the fog service will rename the computer back to what it is in fog and then join the domain in the set OU.

    I personally use a post install script now that grabs the OU from to host and Injects that into my unattend file. I believe I’ve posted some examples in the past. If I remember tomorrow when I’m at a computer and not a phone, I’ll link them.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Lenovo 13W will not boot to fog after bios update.

    @John-L-Clark what version of fog are you running?
    I would also suggest enabling the Mac address pass through.
    You could also try an older ipxe file

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Crashed Capturing Image Due To Low Disk Space, Cannot Log Back Into FOG

    @argylega have you restarted the Mariadb and apache services, or the whole server?
    I also assume you mean you can’t login to the website. Is there anything in the apache error log?

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Email not sending post image deploy

    Simply Installing “Postfix” on Alma Linux and rebooting the server did the trick. After the server came back up, I successfully deployed an image, and afterwards the email came through without an issue. Had all the information filled out appropriately as well. Thank you very much Tom!

    posted in FOG Problems
  • Feature Request - Email Test Feature

    Requesting a feature addition in the “FOG Settings > FOG Email Settings” section that would allow an admin to test whether or not email is working. This would be similar to other programs that have a “test email” button with a box of who to send the test email to.

    Or perhaps some built in logic to test if postfix or other email prereqs that FOG needs to send email post image deployment.

    posted in Feature Request
  • RE: OS Details no longer working

    @Tom-Elliott As usual Tom you are a genius. I had forgotten to add the individual search domains for our active directory domains. Once I added those, and waited the requisite amount of time you mentioned, the machines that are on came back and now I can see them in the interface. This was super helpufl and I sincerely appreciate all the effort and insight you folks give into this great product.

    For those experiencing the same issue on mainstream linux distros, navigate to your “resolv.conf” config file located in /etc/resolv.conf and add your individual search domains. Test a ping to a DNS name via command line on the box itself, then check your GUI again. Took about 2 minutes for it to reflect and show for me.


    posted in FOG Problems