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  • RE: What Prevents a FOG Client from Connecting to A FOG Server?

    Re-reading through your post I realized you mentioned a fresh install of the client isn’t working.
    There may be a different issue. When I migrated from centos 7 recently I ended up rerunning the fog server installer with --recreate-ca --recreate-keys and reinstalled the fogservice on all my clients to have them use updated certs and an updated fog server name. I didn’t have the time to troubleshoot it and I also don’t have 8 locations so this wasn’t that big of a thing to deploy via other software deployment tools we have.

    In theory you should still be able to migrate the private and public keys (note that the private keys are hidden with a prepended . in the filename when you migrate them from the old fog server.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: What Prevents a FOG Client from Connecting to A FOG Server?

    @Jim-Graczyk Firstly, are you running 1.5.10 on the new server or the latest stable release version? Granted it would be best to have updated the old server first and then migrate so you’re migrating between the same versions.

    If you maintained the same server name (or at least used a dns alias to point the old server name to the new server name) and you migrated the /opt/fog/snapins/ssl directory and all other fog stuff (like the database and the /opt/fog/.fogsettings file) before running the installer for the first time (you may be able to throw them in there afterwords in theory)
    then you would have the same CA cert and private cert and subject name for the public cert. So if all that PKI stuff remains the same then all your hosts would already trust the fog server ca (it gets added to trusted root certs when installing the fog client) and the public cert should be updated on the client or may even remain the same. Sounds like you’re using a dns alias so as long as that is updated in the migrated locations it can be made to work.

    If you ran the install of the new fog, and then migrated stuff, then you might have some conflicting settings and you’ll have generated a new Fog CA with a new private key for the web server certificate that the fog client uses to ensure you’re communicating with the right fog server.

    Granted, making a new CA and private key when migrating servers is a good idea and with a new CA it’s easiest to re-install the client to fix the issue so it gets the new CA and cert.

    I believe you could do something like this in an admin powershell session to force the fog service to use a new CA.

    #stop the service
    stop-service fogservice; 
    # delete the certs from the fog service program files path
    remove-item "C:\Program Files (x86)\fog\ca.cert.der","C:\Program Files (x86)\fog\","C:\Program Files (x86)\fog\tmp\public.cer"; 
    #remove the old Fog CA cert from the trusted root store
    Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\ | Where-Object Subject -match 'CN=FOG Server CA' | Remove-item -force -ea 0;
    #Download the new ca cert, replace "fog-server" with your fog server's name
    iwr "https://fog-server/fog/management/other/ca.cert.der" -OutFile "C:\Program Files (x86)\fog\ca.cert.der"
    #trust the new CA
    import-certificate -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\fog\ca.cert.der" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\
    #reset the host encryption in the gui (or if you use my FogApi powershell module you can use the Reset-HostEncryption command)
    #after resetting the host encryption start the service back up
    Start-Service FogService;

    I just ran all that on a working client and it connected. I even stopped after removing the ca cert from the store and files to confirm that broke the client. Then imported it again and all was well. It’s possible that resetting the host encryption isn’t needed, but I imagine it’s needed as you have a new private key, etc.

    Granted, reinstalling the service should do all of the above, so it may be a null point.

    You could also restore the old CA cert and private key from where you’re migrating to and you may be able to make it work without touching the clients besides restarting the service and resetting host encryption.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Fog does not run on MSI

    @Tom-Elliott It sounded like he tried snponly and others in an earlier post.
    The initializing devices happens after the efi file is downloaded and booted to, secure boot would stop it from booting because it’s the efi file that isn’t signed.
    I’ve had some luck with the delay based ipxe files on troubleshome devices like this, though there also could just be some driver missing from the ipxe build that isn’t initializing for this device. I feel like it doesn’t boot to pxe at all if the ethernet adapter isn’t supported.
    @anube The other thing I’ve had luck with is booting directly to the ipxe.efi file. But on a new device that requires either the device to have a built-in uefi shell or you

    • setup 2 usbs
      • 1 a refind usb boot disk
      • 2 another usb where you have the efi boot files from /tftpboot (I usually just grab the ones I know work but you could just grab all of /tftpboot via winscp/filezilla/or some other ftp client off the fog server).
    • Then you boot the refind usb,
    • choose the uefi shell option
    • find the usb with the tftpboot folder and efi driver.
      • To find it in the uefi shell you switch to each disk like fs0: then enter, then run ls to see if it’s the right disk, then fs1: fs2: etc.
    • Once you find it you can run load RtkUndiDxe.efi hit enter so the latest uefi driver for that adapter is loaded.
    • Then find the efi boot file you want to use/try a bunch of them. i.e. /tftpboot/ipxe.efi simply entering the path will boot to the efi file and it will attempt to then boot to the fog server.

    If that does the trick you at least have a workaround and a simpler way to find which efi boot file works for that device. It may be possible to load the updated efi driver into the firmware, but that varies by device and I wouldn’t suggest it unless there’s an official way of doing it provided by MSI. It may also work with an older build of ipxe or a future one or there may be something that can be added to the ipxe build. You can also find ways to make this methodology more automated.

    posted in Hardware Compatibility
  • RE: Fog does not run on MSI

    @anube Have you tried the 10sec-delay versions of the ipxe files?

    posted in Hardware Compatibility
  • RE: Linux host name change after imaging?

    @adam1972 said in Linux host name change after imaging?:

    There’s nothing in AD

    That checkbox at the bottom of AD is where you enforce hostname changes I believe. Which I just noticed is also what @Tom-Elliott said 20 minutes ago.

    I would also look at the snapin definition, this screenshot is from 1.6, but these boxes still existed on snapin definitions in 1.5 (minus the No action, it’s just checkboxes for shutdown or reboot I believe)

    If those are checked it could be part of why it’s doing so many reboots.

    The fog client runs things in windows without being logged in, there’s actually 2 services running for it, a system service and a user service, I imagine linux works the same way.

    However, if it’s waiting to perform the hostname change, there could be something else that’s causing a reboot at the linux OS level when the hostname is attempted to be changed without a reboot? If that is waiting to happen I believe the client waits for that to finish before attempting snapins. It causing the random restarts is still perplexing.

    posted in Linux Problems
  • RE: Multicast stuck

    @Eazis The storagenode can be a master of a different storage group if I recall correctly, but the default storage group should have the master (where the web server is) as the master. There’s a lot of ways to configure it, but for simplicity in testing this out I would suggest 1 storage group with the master fog server as the master node.

    What version of FOG and kernel is on the master and the nodes. They should all be the same, latest stable, latest dev-branch, or latest working-1.6-beta would be best as we may have already fixed the issue if it’s not a configuration issue.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Fog does not run on MSI

    @anube Is the bios/uefi firmware up to date on the computer?
    Has this device worked before? Or similar MSI devices?
    Do you have a pxe capable usb adapter you could try?

    posted in Hardware Compatibility
  • RE: Linux host name change after imaging?

    @adam1972 I was about to ask for the log.
    So it looks like you don’t have the enforce option enabled for renaming the hose and the client thinks that someone is logged in. I’d try enabling enforce, I think it’s actually under the Active Directory settings a little checkbox there, might be under service or client settings on the host.
    I’m using 1.6 where it’s moved to under service settings on a host.

    posted in Linux Problems
  • RE: Unable to Capture Using Single Disk - Resizable

    @shatchett0 you would cancel the capture task and then boot the host to pxe and you should see a compatibility check in the fog boot menu.
    The error also looks like an issue with ext4 thinking it’s a dirty filesystem being captured. If you schedule the capture task with debug checked you can try running the file system check tools interactively. This looks like a problem with this specific host and the image being captured more than a fog server issue.

    posted in FOG Problems
  • RE: Linux host name change after imaging?

    @adam1972 the double reboot is reminiscent of joining windows computers to the domain and then rebooting a second time to rename in the domain, though fog client has long since done it in one go. Are you setting the ad settings for the Linux hosts? Do the snapins have the reboot box checked in their definition?

    posted in Linux Problems