Selecting Deploy an image boots to text menu
I am relatively inexperienced with troubleshooting software and I have a problem. We are trying to image 200 HP Elitebook x360 830 13 inch G10 2 in 1 NoteBook PC’s using kubuntu 24.04. I have managed to upload an image to the FOG server, but for every attempt to apply an image to clients, I get a text based menu with 7 selections. I believe that MAC addresses are involved. I had to spoof the MAC of an USB 3.0 to ethernet dongle. to get an image up to the host. I ave tried checking off i.m.c. and i.m.i. I thought that somehow my issue was related to the host / images MAC.
Now the rub here. is initially, configuring the client’s firmware to actually pxe boot and the image the unit from a host already on the system, I needed to register. However, after this I was unable to image another w/o deleting host on the server. Still it felt like the HP windows centric firmware was some how in the way. Now not so sure. So, I need some troubleshooting tips so my clients get to the images menu. Get that far and the rest is history. Let me know what kind of information needed to help with my issue.
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