@RobTitian16 If you like, you can use my batchfile for this. It should work across all Windows ADK as far as I know
@echo off
rem The fileserver IP
rem Share on the fileserver.
rem Username for the share
set SHAREUSER=root
rem Password for the share
set SHAREPASS=root
rem amd64 or x86
set ARCH=amd64
rem Path to hold working files. Needs about 500MB of free space.
set PEPATH="c:\winpe_%ARCH%"
rem ##########################################################
rem Don't edit anything below here
rem ##########################################################
echo Creating the PE image
call copype.cmd %ARCH% %PEPATH% > NUL
echo Mounting the image
dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%PEPATH%\media\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:%PEPATH%\mount /quiet
echo Adding commands to the startup script in PE
echo. >> %PEPATH%\mount\windows\system32\startnet.cmd
echo ping %FILESERVER% >> %PEPATH%\mount\windows\system32\startnet.cmd
echo net use z: \\%FILESERVER%\%SHARE% %SHAREPASS% /u:%FILESERVER%\%SHAREUSER% >> %PEPATH%\mount\windows\system32\startnet.cmd
echo z: >> %PEPATH%\mount\windows\system32\startnet.cmd
echo z:\64.bat >> %PEPATH%\mount\windows\system32\startnet.cmd
echo Creating the pxeboot directory
mkdir %PEPATH%\pxeboot > NUL
mkdir %PEPATH%\pxeboot\Fonts > NUL
copy /y %PEPATH%\mount\windows\boot\Fonts\*.* %PEPATH%\pxeboot\Fonts\ > NUL
copy /y "%WinPERoot%\%ARCH%\Media\Boot\boot.sdi" %PEPATH%\pxeboot\ > NUL
copy /y "%WinPERoot%\%ARCH%\Media\Boot\BCD" %PEPATH%\pxeboot\ > NUL
echo Unmounting the image
dism /unmount-Wim /MountDir:%PEPATH%\mount /Commit /quiet
echo Optimizing the image
imagex /EXPORT %PEPATH%\media\sources\boot.wim 1 %PEPATH%\pxeboot\boot.wim > NUL
echo All the files you need for your PXE server are in: %PEPATH%\pxeboot\
Adjusts the variables as needed.
Then you can have a 64.bat at the target location, which you can edit at any time to for example create a selection menu for different setup.exe files