FOG Imaging Log Not Working
I am seeing the same issue. The command returns a list of imaging but the web gui doesnt show the imaging log. I am on 1.3.4 on ubuntu server 14.04.
Those having issues, do you have any errors in your Apache logs?
tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
tail /var/log/apache2/error.log
@cml Yes, I am seeing errors but im not sure it is related (pardon the typos as I typed over the errors - not sure how to copy from ubuntu server to here):
Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is Valid() on null in /var/www/fog/lib/client/registerclient.class.php:67\nStack trace: n#0 /var/www/fog/lib/fogpage.class.php(2701): RegisterClient->json()\n#1 /var/www/fog/lib/fog/fogpage.class.php(262): FOGPage->requestClientInfo()\n#2 /var/www/fog/lib/fog/processlogin.class.php(57): FOGPage->__construct('')\n#3[internal function]: ProcessLogin->__contruct()\n#4```
@cml said in FOG Imaging Log Not Working:
tail /var/log/apache2/error.log
[Wed Feb 01 11:22:54.142011 2017] [php7:warn] [pid 27640] [client 10.*.*.*:38236] PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/fog/lib/fog/inventory.class.php on line 95, referer: http://10.*.*.*/fog/management/index.php?node=report&sub=imaginglog
@cml Hi.
I don’t know if it’s related but below are the last errors I found on the apache’s log . Thanks for your help[Wed Feb 01 09:31:34.483981 2017] [:error] [pid 1774] [client 172.*.*.*:51715] PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /var/www/html/fog/lib/pages/taskmanagementpage.class.php on line 224, referer: http://172.*.*.*/fog/management/index.php?node=task&sub=active
@Nicolas-T Ok. I’ve a new clue (For my case). It seems that logs disapear in “FOG Imaging log” when the hosts are delete from de Host Management. Is it normal?
@Tom-Elliott could you look through this thread? I’m not sure where to go from here.
Any help on this would be great. I have still not got this figured out. Thanks
@Raymond-Bell @Nicolas-T @coop90 In this posting, there’s a related bug fix: moving this to bugs as so many people have the issue.
Also cross-linking another thread about the same problem: -
@Wayne-Workman I am on rc10 and still having this issue.
@coop90 I know why this is happening now.
Thinking of a way to fix.
This is simply you don’t even get the dates, correct?
So the reason the date selector was not being seen was because I am grabbing the minimal date.
Some entries, for this field, might have ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’ as the date time stamp, which is invalid.
So the original way it worked, if the date was invalid (start time will always be earlier than end time) it would present “invalid”.
The updated method should work for this for all of you having this problem. I’m correcting this behaviour by adjusting the start date to 2 years before the current date.
Hopefully this is sufficient. The reason I don’t want to go back further is the amount of time it would take to generate the selector. (I’m not guessing the selector based on max end date any more. I’m just giving a date range based on the earliest time found and forward (as it’s not really a selector otherwise right?))
I’m also changing the way things are displayed a little bit.
Instead of showing logs of tasks that have either an invalid start OR end date, both start AND end must be invalid to no longer show. It may make some strange readings for things, but shouldn’t hurt anything otherwise.