So the problem isn’t the cloning but that I was transferring from an IDE/Compatible VM to an Physical system with AHCI enabled. Setting the physical to IDE/Compatible mode fixed that. However IDE mode is not a solution. I required building AHCI into the kernel prior to deployment.
Thanks to some help from forums I have a working solution.
I’ve moved the OS update and some other new code that forces the recompiled kernel to include AHCI drivers to the final mastering.
Server building occurs for me in several steps.
Install the Minimal Server to a VM, nothing else, no updates
Purpose the VM (in this case for FOG and all that entails, no updates)
Master the image (every update and generalizing code)
Capture the image
Distribute the image
Align the Deployed system
I’ve added the following code to the Mastering:
03> Master the Image
## Login REMOTELY with Kitty ( )
## Elevate Access Level
## --
## Disable root access via SSH (CentOS only)
## Direct next Kernel recompilation update to include AHCI drivers & be HW generic
## Clean & Update the OS
## Shutdown
sudo su
if [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then
sed -i "s|#PermitRootLogin yes|PermitRootLogin no|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd.service
sed -i 's|#add_drivers+="|add_drivers+="ahci|g' /etc/dracut.conf
sed -i 's|#hostonly="yes|hostonly="no|g' /etc/dracut.conf
yum clean all
yum makecache
yum update -y
shutdown now