FOG version: stable - 1.5.10
I am making this post because we are having a problem with the PXE boot since we switched our switches to DOT1X and/or MAB.
- With MAB alone no problem
- With DOT1X and MAB active: the PXE boot starts with a latency of 30 seconds on Start PXE (probably the switch from DOT1X to MAB) (attached)
We get the IP address but during the second DHCP request it gives us this error:
“No configuration methods succeeded” after the two attempts (attached)
After a few seconds we do the “dhcp” command and there we see that the network is active (surely the switch from DOT1X to MAB) (attached)
I tested the “autoboot” command, we can see that we contact the server but we did not have permission to start (attached)
How should we modify this boot sequence to for example make 5 attempts instead of 2, I suppose that the ipxe.efi file has to be redone but how?
- With DOT1X alone, it blocks on PXE start and nothing happens (attached)
Do you use DOT1X and MAB on your switches and if so, have you found solutions?
Thank you in advance.
Have a nice day.