Could anyone help me with just getting the colors as per my original post. I have been in the iPXE General Config | Menu colors, pairing, settings for hours and cant wrap my head around whats whats.
Put simply, here is the color scheme I am aiming for:
title text and selected text to be 0x0077c8 (selected text white background)
background black
unselected text white
Right now both UEFI and BIOS are greyish title, white selected text with red background, red unselected text. Its really hard on the eyes.
I have been mulling over:
and my boot.php and just cant wrap my head around what changes what. I have tried playing around with it and the results so far have been 100% not what I expected making it impossible to gain any traction on it. Some options I cahnge and expect to see a difference appear to do nothing, others I change and expect a certain element/color to change and something completely different changes.
Thank you