@Joe-Schmitt @Wayne-Workman @Tom-Elliott I thank you guys for the help but the original script worked just fine.
I believe this one was an user error and in this case me being that user.
When I made the snapin pack I messed up in how I told fog to execute the bat file inside by not telling fog that it had another folder to prior to trying to execute the bat file. as you can see from my original post I had simply _install.bat"
when in reality it was popcap/_install.bat I have since then repacked the .zip file with no other folder in the way and simplified the bat file by naming it simply pop.bat all with the original coding @echo off Echo Wscript.Sleep 5000>"%Temp%\Wait.vbs" Echo WScript.Quit>>"%Temp%\Wait.vbs" Echo Installing Game Pack... Echo. For /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /on "*[PopCap][ExtremlymTorrents.Me].exe"') do ( Echo Installing %%~na... Echo. Start "" /wait Wscript "%Temp%\Wait.vbs" Start "" /wait "%%a" /S ) Del "%Temp%\Wait.vbs"
after doing this all the games installed silently with no issues via fog deployment services. Thank You!!!