@john-sayce Ignore this. Either I managed to do as described or the problem was actually something else (because I was tired or stupid) and I’ve broken it then fixed it.
Thanks anyhow.
@john-sayce Ignore this. Either I managed to do as described or the problem was actually something else (because I was tired or stupid) and I’ve broken it then fixed it.
Thanks anyhow.
I use fog on multiple sites with an instance setup on each site but we use the same images on all sites. We then have the clients pointing at fog.ourdomain.local and a DNS record setup pointing this address to all of the servers. Netmask ordering then points the clients to the appropriate server on each site.
We’ve started using the new client but I believe this is using certificates for authentication. This is then creating issues with the images.
27/07/2018 16:55 Client-Info Version: 0.11.11
27/07/2018 16:55 Client-Info OS: Windows
27/07/2018 16:55 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
27/07/2018 16:57 Middleware::Communication Download: http://serveraddress.local/fog/management/other/ssl/srvpublic.crt
27/07/2018 16:57 Data::RSA FOG Server CA cert found
27/07/2018 16:57 Data::RSA ERROR: Certificate validation failed
27/07/2018 16:57 Data::RSA ERROR: Trust chain did not complete to the known authority anchor. Errors: The signature of the certificate cannot be verified. (NotSignatureValid)
27/07/2018 16:57 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
27/07/2018 16:57 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Certificate is not from FOG CA
Now this seems to suggest that the root certificates aren’t in the store, which is correct because this is a different root certificatre. So I can copy across the ca.cert.pem and ca.cert.der but then the srvpublic.crt file isn’t signed with these certificates. And If I copy across srvpublic.crt I get the following error.
Middleware:: Response Failed to decrypt data
My guess is because this certificate now has the wrong subject name. So I think I need to generate a new srvpublic.crt certificate and sign it with the root certificates from the other server?
Is that correct? Would someone be able to advise how to proceed?
However it’s probably worth mentioning the server I’m copying the certificates from has the certificate issued to the IP address rather than the host name of the server or the fog.ourdomain.local address I’m configuring in the client. If I have to regenerate all my certificates to achieve what I’m after then that’s fine.
@Tom-Elliott I’m afraid this hasn’t worked. Still getting the cannot remove old partition error.
I’m trying to deploy an image. It’s an old partimage xp image, however I’ve not had problems with this other than on a HP T5670. This has a VIA processor and flash storage running off an ide bus, but it works for similar devices and it worked on our old server. The error I get is “Fatal Error: Could not remove old patition.” I found a similar issue on the forum with a recent version, and I believe the solution was to “update the inits” but this doesn’t appear to have fixed the issue. Please could someone point me in the right direction?![0_1490271155647_IMG_20170320_1327589702.jpg](Uploading 100%)
Just experienced this problem. Stated with a normal windows 7 “single partition” image on a 1 TB drive and restored to a 500 MB drive. The usual 100 meg system partition was reduced to 50 meg and the error was similar to the above.
Running Version 1.3.4
SVN Revision: 6066
The two files with relevant information from the image folder are:
abel: dos
label-id: 0x86308630
device: /dev/sda
unit: sectors
/dev/sda1 : start= 2048, size= 204800, type=7, bootable
/dev/sda2 : start= 206848, size= 31875436, type=7
label: dos
label-id: 0x86308630
device: /dev/sda
unit: sectors
/dev/sda1 : start= 2048, size= 204800, type=7, bootable
/dev/sda2 : start= 206848, size= 976564224, type=7
I’m having an issue with the imaging speed.
I don’t think the issue is with FOG, but I’m not quite sure how to proceed. I have a Netgear FSM7352 switch. The FOG server is connected to another switch via a gigabit uplink port on the netgear switch. The result is the same if I plug the fog server directly into the gigabit port on the netgear switch. The transfer speed during imaging is about 5MB/Min. Otherwise on a 100Mbit link I would get about 600MB/Min
If I use another switch or I plug both the client and server into 100Mbit ports then the transfer speed seems to be limited by the network speed as you would expect.
My understanding is that the images are copied from an NFS share. So I connected to the NFS share and copied the data accross the network and the transfer speed was acceptable (limited only by the link speed(ish) - 50 Mbit/s.) I can copy data too and from the fog server at the speeds you would expect using a variety of protocols.
The slow transfer speed occurs only when the client is connecting to the fog server through a gigabit uplink port on this netgear switch. If I upload an image with the same setup, the transfer speed is fine. If I use a gigabit switch the transfer speed is 1.8GB/Min. If I use the same switch but limit the oprt speeds the transfer speed is fine, and once again only limited by the link speed.
I’ve monitored the port and I can see that there is a slight difference in the network traffic when transfering the image. When using the PXE fog client there is a a lot of “Fragmented IP protocol” packets in wireshark, however these seem to be different when using a client on windows. Could this be why my switch is slowing the connection down?