language french
I know this isn’t really a bug but, I’m moving this to bugs & marking unsolved just so it’s not forgotten about.
I’m not understanding what the problem is. The picture presented doesn’t seem to show any major issues. Again I’m not french speaking so I’m not sure what to say there.
What files are these based on?
@Tom-Elliott My guess is he has already edited it so that the problem doesn’t appear anymore.
I just checked, and the default french layout does have problems on login page.
However, the better solution, imo, would be to edit the css
#login-form label
Its width is coded to 80px right now, setting it instead to 100% seems to work much better.
It will rearrange it so the labels are on top of the fields, which may not be desirable, however. But it seems the translations to French make the content of the labels too big for the current layout.
@beauvais In the working branch I’ve updated the css to align properly with the funky text now.
You will need to install the working branch to test/see the changes, but I think this is much more suitable.
@Wayne-Workman said in language french:
I know this isn’t really a bug but, I’m moving this to bugs & marking unsolved just so it’s not forgotten about.
Ok merci Tom et Wayne je testerais.
Ok thank you Tom and Wayne I would test.
Welcome to Angers -
@Quazz said in language french:
#login-form label
J 'ai mis 140px et maintenant on obtient une belle mise en forme.
I put 140px and now we get a nice formatting.
Thank you/var/www/html/fog/management/css/default/fog.css
#login-form label {
float: left;
margin: 3px 0;
width: 140px;
font-size: 16px; -
@beauvais Can you move to 1.4 release candidate to confirm if this is fixed?
@Wayne-Workman Ok, upgraded to 1.4-RC3 and it’s fine ! But I still prefer english language
Is it normal I have to modify .fogsettings for installlang=‘’=‘1’ after each upgrade ? -
@Matthieu-Jacquart I thought I remember being asked about language packs during installation… if it’s not asking anymore, that needs fixed - could you make a new thread about it please?