Latest Development FOG
The new FOG Service will not have built-in functionality to replace the old one due to the complexity. However, I should be able to create a snapin to do the upgrade processes for you. So all that would need to be done is deploy the Service-Upgrade snapin to all of your hosts.
Alright awesome. Sounds good to me.
Hey I don’t want to sound like a noob here but what is the easiest way for me to update my 1.2 fog to the new trunk version. I want to test UEFI imaging on my Dell Venu 11 tablets. They also use usb to Ethernet so im curious to see how that goes and to provide you guys with feedback.
[CODE]svn co /some/local/folder[/CODE]
Then navigate to the folder you specified and run:
[CODE]sudo /bin/./[/CODE]
Where can I find snap in’s to use with fog? this is an area I have wanted to utilize but have not had the time to investigate.
Bill -
I did that but now I cant update my database. Where can I find config.php ? More then likely MySQL password needs to be entered.
Never mind I found it
So im running the latest 2472 and im trying to image a Dell Venu Pro 11 and im using the an EDI-Max EU-4208 usb to ethernet and not able to load PXE menu of fog. The docking station for it uses same chipset. Im guessing the drivers arent in the kernal. Can you please add it or is there a way i can manually do this. I have 150 of these to image. Bios is UEFI with Secure boot disabled and UEFI Network Stack enabled.
Tried to do an unofficial kernel and this is what i get guys on the update
FOGFTP: Failed to rename file. Remote Path: /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/backup/bzImage20141024_162312, Local Path: /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage, Error: ftp_rename(): Rename failed.
[quote=“Ray Zuchowski, post: 38203, member: 24449”]Hey I don’t want to sound like a noob here but what is the easiest way for me to update my 1.2 fog to the new trunk version. I want to test UEFI imaging on my Dell Venu 11 tablets. They also use usb to Ethernet so im curious to see how that goes and to provide you guys with feedback.[/quote]
Actually there is now a new articale in our wiki to show 3 different methods on installing the latest trunk. Give it a look.
[url][/url] -
Thanks Wolfbane .
Thanks for fixing the kernel update guys in 2473. I tried the latest published kernals x86 and 64 for those Dell Venus and the latest unofficial as well with no success. If you can please add that into next unofficial kernel release.
The actual controller for these and the usb Ethernet adaptor are ASIX AX88772B Chipset. Thanks again. My school district will love you for this if you can add it.
Ray Z
The ASIX AX88772B’s are already built with the kernels.
Do you know between which two kernels problems started occurring?
It never worked. I could never get these to image. I have been using a beta of clonezilla to get it working and its a nightmare.
Also i just tried doing a multicast and i went to join session added the name of the session to join and it created 2 new UDPCAST sessions. Here is a screen shot.
An when i say beta i mean Clonezilla Live Cd and having the image on a external hd and doing one at a time. Its not fun. I updated just to the latest unoffical Kernal x86_X64 and it gets a little further it seems. It will say checking media presence on IPV4 then downloading NBP file and then just fails with no error message and boots to C:/ drive. So something isnt right wih it. Running latest bios on it as well. Apprceciate the help and will post bugs as i find them for you guys.
are you willing to try the latest dev build of fog? there are some features built into it that you would probably be interested in
Yeah for sure. Im running right now 2473
ok, tom tells me that if you have the latest fog and add to the host profile the host kernel argument [CODE]has_usb_nic=1[/CODE] that you will get what you need. you will need to unplug the usb nic and plug it back in after the kernel loads in order to ensure it get’s DHCP properly, however.
how do I add it to the host profile ?
on the page for that host, under general, there is a field for “Host Kernel Arguments”
just tried it. Didn’t work
running 2475