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Tried to do an unofficial kernel and this is what i get guys on the update
FOGFTP: Failed to rename file. Remote Path: /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/backup/bzImage20141024_162312, Local Path: /var/www/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage, Error: ftp_rename(): Rename failed.
[quote=“Ray Zuchowski, post: 38203, member: 24449”]Hey I don’t want to sound like a noob here but what is the easiest way for me to update my 1.2 fog to the new trunk version. I want to test UEFI imaging on my Dell Venu 11 tablets. They also use usb to Ethernet so im curious to see how that goes and to provide you guys with feedback.[/quote]
Actually there is now a new articale in our wiki to show 3 different methods on installing the latest trunk. Give it a look.
[url][/url] -
Thanks Wolfbane .
Thanks for fixing the kernel update guys in 2473. I tried the latest published kernals x86 and 64 for those Dell Venus and the latest unofficial as well with no success. If you can please add that into next unofficial kernel release.
The actual controller for these and the usb Ethernet adaptor are ASIX AX88772B Chipset. Thanks again. My school district will love you for this if you can add it.
Ray Z
The ASIX AX88772B’s are already built with the kernels.
Do you know between which two kernels problems started occurring?
It never worked. I could never get these to image. I have been using a beta of clonezilla to get it working and its a nightmare.
Also i just tried doing a multicast and i went to join session added the name of the session to join and it created 2 new UDPCAST sessions. Here is a screen shot.
An when i say beta i mean Clonezilla Live Cd and having the image on a external hd and doing one at a time. Its not fun. I updated just to the latest unoffical Kernal x86_X64 and it gets a little further it seems. It will say checking media presence on IPV4 then downloading NBP file and then just fails with no error message and boots to C:/ drive. So something isnt right wih it. Running latest bios on it as well. Apprceciate the help and will post bugs as i find them for you guys.
are you willing to try the latest dev build of fog? there are some features built into it that you would probably be interested in
Yeah for sure. Im running right now 2473
ok, tom tells me that if you have the latest fog and add to the host profile the host kernel argument [CODE]has_usb_nic=1[/CODE] that you will get what you need. you will need to unplug the usb nic and plug it back in after the kernel loads in order to ensure it get’s DHCP properly, however.
how do I add it to the host profile ?
on the page for that host, under general, there is a field for “Host Kernel Arguments”
just tried it. Didn’t work
running 2475
Ok so new issues guys. Ever since I went to the new build 2475 when I go to register the PC for full inventory It says unable to register the pc for the following reasons and doesn’t give a reason but scrolls threw like its registering and just sits there. This didn’t happen with 2473. Also I took out the kernel argument as well.
quick registration does the same … however you will get attempting to register host and a blinking curser keeps moving down the screen.
So at what point were you able to register the systems before?
What I mean, 2473 to 2475 didn’t have anything dealing with kernel drivers or anything of the sort. So from an OS layer (bzImage and initrd) standpoint, nothing had changed. The only thing we wanted you to do was add:
has_usb_nic=1 to the parameters of the Host. If the hosts aren’t registered, you’re more than likely going to have to register, manually, the host and MAC of the nic you’re trying to boot. I’m sorry it’s not fully automated, but there simply isn’t a way for me to know what type of nic you have to determine if it’s USB or local. So the registration step could be skipped.
Basically, if you have a nic, the MAC Address should be printed on the back of it.
Create the Host by going to the GUI. Go to Host Management Page.
From the Host Management Page, choose Create New Host.
Type in the Hostname you want, and the MAC Address of the nic.
Then save and it should create the host for you. Once it’s saved, it will take you to the edit page. You can then add the Host Kernel Arguments. It is in that field that you would put has_usb_nic=1
Then you can setup taskings for it such as upload or download. Put the NIC in the host and boot it up. When the init loads, it will stop requesting you to remove the NIC and then plug it back in. I’d recommend waiting a few seconds once it’s unplugged to ensure it removes. Then plug it back in and press enter. It will then try obtaining an IP address.
It is in this part I believe your system is failing. It recognizes the NIC, but the kernel can’t release it to allow it to pick up a new ip. This is why removing and adding the adapter back in seems to help.
While it’s a couple extra steps, it certainly beats imaging a system using CD.
I cant even register regular non UEFI PXE computers ever since i upgraded to 2475. The Dell Venu Tablet is another issue. I cant image anything now. When i said i couldnt register devices i meant regular pxe booting.
The way i registered hosts was through pxe booting. Basically boot to the network card and select perform full host registration and inventory. The process begins and that’s where i get the error and says can not register this device for the following reason…doesnt give you a reason and then you get a blinking cursor . This is happening with everything now. Again this isnt anything to do with the tablets with UEFI. Once i get everything else to image again ill re-approach with the kernel argument.
SVN 2481 released.
This weekend I spent most of my time moving snapins to an FTP based system. I built a snapin replicator service. I added storage group setting to the snapins as well.
Basically, this means, especially with location plugins, snapins can be located to the relevant nodes as well.
[quote=“Ray Zuchowski, post: 38239, member: 24449”]The way i registered hosts was through pxe booting. Basically boot to the network card and select perform full host registration and inventory. The process begins and that’s where i get the error and says can not register this device for the following reason…doesnt give you a reason and then you get a blinking cursor . This is happening with everything now. Again this isnt anything to do with the tablets with UEFI. Once i get everything else to image again ill re-approach with the kernel argument.[/quote]
Can you do me a favor?
As you’ve updated to svn, first re-update to 2481.
[code]cd /your/location/where/you/downloaded/trunk
svn up
cd bin
sudo ./
[Enter][/code]Then copy the trunk’s version of the BootItem.hook.php to your lib hooks directory:
[code]sudo cp packages/web/lib/hooks/BootItem.hook.php /var/www/fog/lib/hooks/BootItem.hook.php[/code]Then test if you can at least get the menu and boot one of your working systems to register.
2482 solve my registration problem