@sourcaffeine I’ve updated the FOG Client article to include a section on polling, here:
For why the legacy client is still being used - it’s so people can transition more easily. If there was no ability to transition easily, people would have more work to move to the coming 1.3.0 release. For example, imagine an organization with 10,000 computers, all have the legacy client installed, and they are using a 1.2.0 server. Do you think they will just move to 1.3.0 if 1.3.0 could not control the legacy client? No. Because the FOG Client might be a vital piece of their management. You don’t just image 10,000 systems at once, you image some at a time and move to the new client as you can. And if 1.3.0 can’t control the legacy client, then those people would have a huge gap in very needed management capabilities. How would people do something as simple as schedule an imaging task, if the existing legacy client cannot be ordered to reboot? Should we force people to use outside software like active directory, group policy, or something else? No. We provide a pathway in fog, anything less would be unacceptable.