Update: I restarted the computer several times, and checked for the log file which was actually there now. I attempted to reboot the computer from FOG and checked log after. This is the result:
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : PrinterManager.dll
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: PrinterManager.dll requires an update.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\PrinterManager.dll hash doesn't match server hash!
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : SnapinClient.dll
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: SnapinClient.dll requires an update.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\SnapinClient.dll hash doesn't match server hash!
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : TaskReboot.dll
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: TaskReboot.dll requires an update.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\TaskReboot.dll hash doesn't match server hash!
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : UserCleanup.dll
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: UserCleanup.dll requires an update.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\UserCleanup.dll hash doesn't match server hash!
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : UserTracker.dll
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: UserTracker.dll requires an update.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\UserTracker.dll hash doesn't match server hash!
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status : config.ini
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: config.ini requires an update.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\config.ini hash doesn't match server hash!
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater 1 new modules found!
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Checking Status :
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater File: requires an update.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater An exception occurred during a WebClient request.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
at FOG.SnapinClient.downloadAndDeploy(String localFile)
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Client update will be applied during next service startup.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Client update process complete, exiting...
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Reading config settings...
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Reading of config settings passed.
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Starting Core processing...
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Operating System ID: 6
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Operating System Minor: 1
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug MAC ID 0 08:00:27:AF:E9:CC
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug MAC POST String: 08:00:27:AF:E9:CC
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug A user is currently logged in
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Username: Testing\Jaguar
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Hostname: Testing
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Attempting to open connect to:
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Server responded with: Hello FOG Client
4/19/2019 5:34 PM FOG::MODDebug Module has finished work and will now exit.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG Service Engine Version: 3
4/19/2019 5:35 PM Starting all sub processes
4/19/2019 5:35 PM 14 modules loaded
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.AutoLogOut
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Starting process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.SnapinClient
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Starting client update process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::ClientUpdater Sleeping for 300 seconds.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.DirCleaner
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::DirCleaner Sleeping for 41 seconds.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.DisplayManager
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::DisplayManager Starting display manager process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.GreenFog
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::GreenFog Sleeping for 52 seconds.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.GUIWatcher
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::GUIWatcher Starting GUI Watcher...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.HostNameChanger
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Starting hostname change process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Yielding to other subservices for 1 seconds.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.HostRegister
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::HostRegister Starting host registration process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.MODDebug
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::MODDebug Start Called
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::MODDebug Sleeping for 100 Seconds
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::DisplayManager Attempting to connect to fog server...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.PrinterManager
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::PrinterManager Starting interprocess communication process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.SnapinClient
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::SnapinClient Starting snapin client process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::PrinterManager interprocess comm startup: OK
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::HostRegister Exiting because only 1 mac address was found.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.TaskReboot
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::TaskReboot Taskreboot in lazy mode.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::TaskReboot Starting Task Reboot...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.UserCleanup
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::UserCleanup Sleeping for 14 seconds.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM * Starting FOG.UserTracker
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::UserTracker Starting user tracking process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::SnapinClient Sleeping for 477 seconds.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::PrinterManager Attempting to connect to fog server...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::UserTracker Attempting to connect to fog server...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Attempting to connect to fog server...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::DisplayManager Module is disabled globally on the FOG Server.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Module is active...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::PrinterManager Module is active...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::PrinterManager Starting printer manager...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::PrinterManager Yielding to other services for 25 seconds.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Module is active...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::UserTracker Module is active...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::HostnameChanger Hostname is up to date
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::AutoLogOut Timeout value is Zero, disabling module.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::AutoLogOut The path is not of a legal form.
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::AutoLogOut at System.IO.Path.LegacyNormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path)
at System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(String path)
at System.Drawing.IntSecurity.UnsafeGetFullPath(String fileName)
at System.Drawing.IntSecurity.DemandReadFileIO(String fileName)
at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement)
at FOG.AutoLogOut.doWork()
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::UserCleanup Starting user cleanup process...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::UserCleanup Attempting to connect to fog server...
4/19/2019 5:35 PM FOG::UserCleanup Module is disabled globally on the FOG Server, exiting.