Latest Development FOG
Now works fine. But, the compression is necessary? Until now was not necessary
The compression isn’t necessary but is used to try limiting the bandwidth usage on your network.
Here is my apache error log when sending my last image:
[CODE][Tue Nov 04 17:14:25 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 164
[Tue Nov 04 17:14:25 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’ (2) in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 69
[Tue Nov 04 17:14:25 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn’t fetch mysqli in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 102
[Tue Nov 04 17:14:25 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: MySQL::query(): Couldn’t fetch mysqli in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 103
[Tue Nov 04 17:14:25 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 164
[Tue Nov 04 17:14:25 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: mysqli::escape_string(): Couldn’t fetch mysqli in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 262
[/CODE]I also have a load of other SQL errors from many other clients…all like the above but in slightly different orders.
2579 should fix the array_key_exists errors, though there shouldn’t really be any issues as their just warnings.
We are trying that svn trunk now. On a note…the * issue does not happen on upload…only downloads does it happen.
On one other note. This line is repeating ALOT (~5-10 a second) in apache when just sitting at the dashboard doing nothing.
[CODE][Wed Nov 05 09:22:33 2014] [error] [client] PHP Warning: mysqli::select_db(): Couldn’t fetch mysqli in /var/www/html/fog/lib/db/MySQL.class.php on line 74, referer:[/CODE]
I know it’s just a warning in PHP…but man it fills the logs up quick. Also, anything you do on the web interface (and links clicked, etc…) also shows up as the “line 74” error.
The issue with the
Is linked to email feature being turned on. My guess is its trying to communicate back to the server and if the smtp settings aren’t configured its just hanging. Some where in the script going to have to probably have a timeout if the email fails to send and then close out the session. Running 2579 with email feature now off and have no issues.Ray Z
[S]Unfortunally…we do not have email turned on (FOG_EMAIL ACTION) is unchecked.[/S]
Now that the right test is done…Yes, it now works without the * all the time. This is with the 2579 checkout.
Sorry about that!
SVN 2580 released.
With this comes, hopefully, more fixes for multicast session joining. Also allows you, the users, to specify which tasks you want to show up as Used tasks on the dashboard and on taskings during checkin. This is simply a field in General Settings and is a comma separated field. Meaning, 1,15,17 will only deal with download tasks.
This also should fix issues with the capone plugin not allowing the format of the image to come through to image in partimage/partclone.
SVN 2598 released.
With this comes a couple new introductions. First is Replication Bandwidth is now setup and in place. The idea of this is to limit bandwidth usage between nodes. You limit by Kbps just like regular bandwidth limitations usually operate. Basically the intent is to keep your network links unsaturated if we can help it.
Also, comes an attempt at multiple node replication at the same time. So if your Group has nodes a,b,c in different sites, rather than wait for the first node to complete, it should start replicating to all three nodes. The bandwidth limitations will work in a fashion to limit the total rate of the sending node bandwidth is set. Meaning, if Group 1 has nodes a,b,c,d with d as the master. If node d’s limit is set and starts sending, it will limit all the transfers to the limit set on d. However, if d’s bandwidth is not set, it will use the limits individually set on a,b, and/or c, to transfer to those nodes.
This, I think leaves the best bandwidth optimization as needed. Is it perfect? Probably not, but it’s a test and something I think people could find extremely useful.
Running 2607 right now. Works nice bud. Just wanted to say nice work. Is the email feature working yet ? Do I have to set my smtp settings through my PHP. ini ?
Ray Z
No, you do not need to setup php.ini sendmail/email smtp stuff.
I’ve got one last tiny tiny issue that seems to just be a GUI display issue with the dev build.
When i click on Image Management -> List all images -> Click on any image
Everything pops up but i am getting a weird box at the top and it seems to be trying to ping all hosts in the system.
Pinging: image-
Progress: 77/1948
<*------------> 4%
[/CODE]Any ideas?
I don’t have any ideas.
I’ll enable host lookup on my systems when i get home and see if I can narrow this down for you all.
Sorry about that.
2612 Should fix the pinging issue.
SVN 2642 released.
With this, while seemingly a large jump, comes multicast session joining to non-registered hosts.
It also fixes issues with the SnapinReplicator.
It fixes compatibility of “old” snapins as well to allow non-grouped snapins to still deploy to hosts.
Fixes consistent pinging of hosts on non-host pages.
Hopefully you all enjoy.
SVN 2651 released.
This release adds/changes the capabilities of Quick image.
Quick Image will now present a list of the images from your fog server. You can make a selection of any image of your choice and image your system with that image.
If the host is registered and has a valid image assigned to it, it will auto select the host’s image. If the host is registered, but does not have an image assigned, it will always default to the first item in the list.
The Host registered items, regardless of the image used, will be logged, so your dashboard will appropriately display the imaging task.
Now, the big guy I think most will be excited about (or at least I’m hoping so due to the commonality of this type of request).
Non-registered hosts can also be imaged using the quick image option. The option is been moved back into the non-registered and registered items. (BYPASS REGISTRATION ON ADVANCED MENU IS NO LONGER NEEDED YAY!)
What does this mean?
It means quick image is just that. It is a means to quicking image any host (regardless of the registration status). If the host is not registered, it will not be logged, but it will image just fine.Also with this, you can now specify which menu items you “Do not list” on any of the menu entries. Before there was either all, non-registered, or registered hosts. Now you can specify a simple do not list to not show a specific menu item.
Hopefully you all find this useful.
Yay team! Thx muchly for Quick Image. It works wonderfully!
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 39087, member: 7271”]SVN 2651 released.
This release adds/changes the capabilities of Quick image.
Quick Image will now present a list of the images from your fog server. You can make a selection of any image of your choice and image your system with that image.
If the host is registered and has a valid image assigned to it, it will auto select the host’s image. If the host is registered, but does not have an image assigned, it will always default to the first item in the list.
The Host registered items, regardless of the image used, will be logged, so your dashboard will appropriately display the imaging task.
Now, the big guy I think most will be excited about (or at least I’m hoping so due to the commonality of this type of request).
Non-registered hosts can also be imaged using the quick image option. The option is been moved back into the non-registered and registered items. (BYPASS REGISTRATION ON ADVANCED MENU IS NO LONGER NEEDED YAY!)
What does this mean?
It means quick image is just that. It is a means to quicking image any host (regardless of the registration status). If the host is not registered, it will not be logged, but it will image just fine.Also with this, you can now specify which menu items you “Do not list” on any of the menu entries. Before there was either all, non-registered, or registered hosts. Now you can specify a simple do not list to not show a specific menu item.
Hopefully you all find this useful.[/quote]
The Quick Image make the same job as Capone Deploy ?
Ch3i. -
I don’t know what you mean?
Sort of yes, it falsifies the task entry information so it can run without being registered.
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 39153, member: 7271”]
Sort of yes, [B]it falsifies the task entry information so it can run without being registered[/B].[/quote]Ok, noted !