7703 - Groups Bugged
Yeah, I need more information if possible.
If it’s any help, I’ve now added two bits of information to update and help maintain and keep this from happening. If you’re doing the schema updates, and these aren’t happening properly. Is there any error’s reported in the gui when you ran the schema update?
What happens if you change the DB schema to 218?
mysql -u root fog UPDATE schemaVersion SET vValue=218 where vID=1; exit
I click on the Host Manager in the Fog gui. Then I select List All Hosts then check the ones I want to add to a goup then I choose Create New Group then enter the name. When I go to the Group Managemnet and List All Groups my group is membership is zero. I ran the db schema update to 218 and I did not receive any errors in the gui. I believe my problem maybe related to FogProject Topic 7360.
@mclapper68 Immediately after reproducing the problem, can you check for apache errors?
Web interface -> FOG Configuration -> Log Viewer -> Apache error log
Look at the timestamps on the entries and post any relevant ones.
@Wayne-Workman Same problem here: since I upgraded to 7853 all groups are empty and no client can be added.
Also existing groups with members have been emptied.
Apache error log doesn’t shown any errors when attempting to add clients.
Updating to lastest trunk didn’t solve the problem.
Tried to delete all groups and set DB-Schema as Tom Elliot suggested. When doing a schema update i get the error messagePHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /var/www/fog/lib/pages/schemaupdaterpage.class.php on line 48, referer:
Same problem here
@michael_f The schema update is broken,the table groupMembers is missing in my DB
I wanted to see this for myself and I am experiencing the same issue of not being able to add members to groups.
Apache error when attempting this is :
[Thu May 26 14:01:46.904843 2016] [:error] [pid 16610] [client] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/fog/status/getfiles.php
Found and confirmed. The auto increment part broke this. I’m sorry I missed the _ in AUTO_INCREMENT so the table failed to create.
I’ve pushed a fix for this. If you lost db, please use one of the sql files from before this change and you should be able to recover.
@Tom-Elliott Can confirm working on latest release, thank you again!
Thanks to everybody. The groups are working as they should now with the latest revision 7881. Case closed.
Great stuff. Thanks guys for insisting on this not working properly. Thanks Tom for fixing it!
@Tom-Elliott Can also confirm groups are working againg.
Thank you Tom!