Fog issue with new Dell optiplex 7040
@Wayne-Workman It appears I’m also having some issues connecting to nameservers. I have checked the normal host files and DNS but do not see anything that would cause this.
@inafog9 Which namesevers do you use?
cat /etc/resolv.conf
Please post the full output of
as well! There might be a “DNS truncation” issue. -
@Sebastian-Roth I’m getting a timeout on the nslookup and I can’t ping anything by name. I tried several config changes including using google’s dns.
@inafog9 Making changes in resolve.conf won’t do anything as it gets overwritten.
You need to change it in /etc/network/interfaces
Then you need to
sudo ifdown nameofinterface (eg eth0) && sudo ifup nameofinterface
@Quazz It appears that the interface file has the correct info. I also tried the ifdown command and still no luck.
@inafog9 Are you using DNSMasq by any chance?
@inafog9 Is it possible your network doesn’t allow you to defined your own Nameservers?
@Tom-Elliott Not sure. I can ping nameservers from windows devices and servers.
@inafog9 Are they set to get the same nameservers as your fogserver is though?
@Tom-Elliott I’m looking around my windows domain controller and I can’t find those settings.
@inafog9 What settings?
The DNS is found under the network information in windows.
@inafog9 Please set different DNS servers for testing. I have seen trouble with too big (and therefore truncated) DNS answers from the google DNS servers (the ones you have configured as well). Try opendns in your /etc/network/interfaces for example:
... dns-nameservers
Then restart the network interface (
sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0
) and see if DNS lookup is better?! -
@Tom-Elliott I have tried my normal dns and also the google servers. I figured my normal dns could be could be an issue so I tried google.
@Sebastian-Roth I tried your suggestion and i’m still unable to ping by name.
@inafog9 Is your fog server/and your systems, setup behind a domain?
@inafog9 Are you able to ping the DNS servers?? Maybe DNS queries (UDP port 53) are blocked on your internet router (very unusual!!!)?
@Tom-Elliott yes
@inafog9 In your fogserver’s /etc/resolv.conf, can you add:
search domainhere
save the file and close. Try pinging something that way?
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