Fog issue with new Dell optiplex 7040
@Quazz It appears that the interface file has the correct info. I also tried the ifdown command and still no luck.
@inafog9 Are you using DNSMasq by any chance?
@inafog9 Is it possible your network doesn’t allow you to defined your own Nameservers?
@Tom-Elliott Not sure. I can ping nameservers from windows devices and servers.
@inafog9 Are they set to get the same nameservers as your fogserver is though?
@Tom-Elliott I’m looking around my windows domain controller and I can’t find those settings.
@inafog9 What settings?
The DNS is found under the network information in windows.
@inafog9 Please set different DNS servers for testing. I have seen trouble with too big (and therefore truncated) DNS answers from the google DNS servers (the ones you have configured as well). Try opendns in your /etc/network/interfaces for example:
... dns-nameservers
Then restart the network interface (
sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0
) and see if DNS lookup is better?! -
@Tom-Elliott I have tried my normal dns and also the google servers. I figured my normal dns could be could be an issue so I tried google.
@Sebastian-Roth I tried your suggestion and i’m still unable to ping by name.
@inafog9 Is your fog server/and your systems, setup behind a domain?
@inafog9 Are you able to ping the DNS servers?? Maybe DNS queries (UDP port 53) are blocked on your internet router (very unusual!!!)?
@Tom-Elliott yes
@inafog9 In your fogserver’s /etc/resolv.conf, can you add:
search domainhere
save the file and close. Try pinging something that way?
This post is deleted! -
@Tom-Elliott Thanks everyone for your help. After the last dns changes didn’t work I set the dns back to what we normally use. I’m able to ping by name and the current install of fog is letting me download new kernels. I was never able to do that in the past.
I’m still having the issue attempting to send inventory so I will try the trunk update.
@inafog9 Well then I guess what going on is that queries to external DNS servers is NOT allowed! You need to use your internal DNS servers. Most probably those had some kind of issue (when you had trouble at first) which is now solved. Ask your colleges…
@inafog9 I suppose an address with two forward slashes won’t work. @Tom-Elliott