Clear Encrypted Data When Moved to New Switch Port
Seems I can get 5 re-images out of it before the encryption data has to be reset. I have been able to move it from one port to another within that 5 and it not cause me to have to clear the Encryption data. But after 5 re-images it forces me to clear it to rename the host and join the domain.
Also as soon as I hit the clear button the computer renames and joins the domain without issue.
I can officially say it is every 5th image that is breaking it. I am not sure why but that happens on image 5 every time. Any ideas. I will try to upgrade to the latest SVN tomorrow to see if that helps but I am not sure that the server is the issue.
@Psycholiquid notifying @Jbob about it… this is his realm till the official release.
Thanks for the notification Wayne. @Psycholiquid I will attempt to reproduce this issue in my vms. Is there anything special you are doing to the image? E.G. sysprepping?
If you need any information from me let me know I will post it.
Can you give me the log files from each of the 5 re-images (that is log file from post-image #1, #2, …)?
I just finished talking with Tom and we may have found a fringe case that would cause the issue you are seeing. As for why it happens ever 5 re-images we have no idea, but we are hoping its caused by this fringe case. Tom will push out a patch when he has time.
Starting imaging now. I will post the logs as soon as it is complete.
SVN 3700, hopefully, should only reset the token data on imaging task checkin now, rather than when a task is created. Hopefully this helps.
Should I just go ahead and update the SVN version I am running or do you need the logs for verification?
I’d say yeah, go ahead and update. I can’t fix what I don’t know about.
And the hits just keep on coming. I am trying to upgrade teh SVN from my current to 3701 (Came form SVN trunk download)
Upgrade hangs on php5-fpm . I have snapshotted and tried rolling back then updating Ubuntu and trying again, same result. Any ideas?
@Psycholiquid See this thread:
Debian/Ubuntu loves to be difficult.
Tried that didnt help. I manually installed php5-fpm and was able to get past that part now it just sits on Updating packages as needed. Never goes any farther.
@Psycholiquid Try this:
apt-get update;apt-get upgrade;apt-get dist-upgrade
Already did that also.
@Psycholiquid Very weird… I’m out of ideas, A little help from @Moderators and @Developers ?
This is solved.
He allowed me to Teamviewer in and we got it working. I hopefully have this fixed now as well. Now to add the packages to auto install ppa’s
Imaging now will update as soon as 5 or more work