Images not expanding
Kernel 3.18.5 same issue.
Is this Ubuntu 14.04 ?
Have you ran any updates lately on the OS? did you update when you updated FOG?
I’m not asking you to, I’m just asking if you did or not.
Also, because I’ve got the day off today and have time, I’m going to update the home FOG server to the latest revision and then run a test download image.
I’ve got 1 image at home (lol) and it is set to re-sizable. We’ll see if it works or not…
Not recently according to webmin I have 6 updates pending.
The server install is less then a month old. but no os updates have been done since it was setup and the issue showed up at SVN 3293 for me.
I updated my FOG server & OS.
I just successfully imaged using r3315.
This was a resizable image, however it is WinXP.
It was a 5GB image, deployed in about 4 minutes and expanded to fit an 80GB drive.
I’m not sure if the mechanisms are different for Win7/8 but it does work for XP.
Can you check the permissions on your /images directory?
[CODE]ls -laR /images[/CODE]
They should be uniform and owned by FOG and the group FOG. OR the user root and the group root (at home, it’s root for me).
Mine are owned by user jhales which is a sudo user but the resize command is independent of the image deployment permissions on the server shouldn’t have any effect on the resize operation.
Ok fixed ownership I think will test example of new permissions below.
total 6880348
drwxrwxrwx 2 fog root 4096 Apr 21 16:18 .
drwxrwxrwx 50 fog root 4096 Apr 22 10:42 …
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 2 Apr 21 16:18 d1.fixed_size_partitions
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 512 Apr 21 16:18 d1.mbr
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 259 Apr 21 16:18 d1.minimum.partitions
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 30 Apr 21 16:18 d1.original.fstypes
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 259 Apr 21 16:18 d1.original.partitions
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 0 Apr 21 16:18 d1.original.swapuuids
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 8498875 Apr 21 16:18 d1p1.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 fog root 7030049063 Apr 21 16:18 d1p2.img -
Still not resizing even after changing ownership on both the main server and the storage group.
r-3316 – Has a bit of a change to the [SIZE=15px][FONT=Lato][COLOR=#3d3c40]expandPartition information. Maybe try to update to latest revision???[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
SVN 3317 seems to have fixed the issue on my test machine will test further today but I think that’s got it.
[quote=“Joseph Hales, post: 46369, member: 18131”]SVN 3317 seems to have fixed the issue on my test machine will test further today but I think that’s got it.[/quote]
Awesome! updating NOW!
Ok so far I have a report of one PC at a campus not resizing but the same image and model here works fine anything come to mind that might just affect the resize command the farther you get from the server?
Nope, my guess is it didn’t get hit with the image command after your update.
Removed the storage node still seeing random occurrances of not resizing for example 2 identical machines at a campus same hardware, same image, same location one resized the other did not. Looking to see if networking issues could account for this.
Three questions how is the resize command sent to the host and if I interrupt the debug task right where the the command is sent what command would I type exactly to send the command manually and what command would display the partion’s size after to determine if it worked correctly.
The bottom command in there is for re-sizing. I have zero ideas about the rest.