Bugs in FOG 0.33
I am trying to download the Tarball, how ever it gets to about 800meg and then gives me a network error. will not resume either…
- how big is this file?
- is there any other site i can get this from? Anxious to install and test as well. Im trying to download from “[url]http://freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freeghost/[/url]”
Around 50meg.
You want to download the latest trunk. freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/freeghost/trunk/ -
If there is an official tarball of 0.33 then it’s news to me. The command I use to pull down 0.33 from SVN is:
[CODE]svn co https://freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/freeghost/trunk /opt/freeghost[/CODE]
If you don’t add “/trunk” to the end of the URL it will pull down the entire history of FOG, which is probably over 1GB. -
I downloaded .33 last week to try out Win 8 support. I created my image using basically the same process I used for Win 7 and it works just fine. Obviously there are some things missing in the UI (when I tick the shutdown option when deploying something, it doesn’t work, for example), but the actual process of taking and deploying an image seems to work just fine.
I created the image in virtual box and customized it using audit mode. Then I ran sysprep (not fogprep – FP never worked for me in Win 7) and deployed it using the Microsoft unattend file. I’m running .33 beta on Ubuntu 10.04.
I’ve created/deployed 4 different images (playing around with the unattend file). FOG worked perfectly every time.
I’m not sure if adding Win 8 support is the biggest change for .33 or not. If so, then as far as I can tell, the hard part is done
This might sound a bit silly, but do we really want to support windows 8?
(I’m 1/2 kidding here)
ssx4life, can you think of a good reason for not supporting Windows 8?
Because it’s Windows 8, the Windows ME of the modern era
…ok, to be fair, just the interface is a little “different”
I must admit I am not a fan of Win 8
[SIZE=6][B][FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000]Philistines!!! ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=6][B][FONT=sans-serif][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=3]Seriously, a year from now a new Windows 7 machine will probably be a special order item (if there are any left)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
Hi everyone. THANK YOU FOR FOG! Seriously.
Now that I realized there is a 0.33beta avail for testing, I am jumping in head-first.
Hope this is the correct place to report bugs or bug-like issues. If not, please direct me to the correct place.
I just grabbed 0.33beta today like so:
svn co [url]https://freeghost.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/freeghost/trunk[/url] freeghost
And ran the install script.
When the web UI updater ran on first logon I got the following errors:
[ATTACH]248[/ATTACH]As I went through the menus, I cam across the following related errors:
[ATTACH]249[/ATTACH]And on a host’s page:
[ATTACH]250[/ATTACH]Google was of no help, and I also found nothing similar when searching the forums here.
Any help fixing this? Would love to get to putting 0.33beta through
Thanks! And thanks again for FOG!
edit: I have nightly dumps of the db, so I can easily restore a 0.32 fog db and run any tests requested if necessary.
After posting the above report, It seems that each Image definition had its Operating System reset to “Please select an option”
But upon checking the new db:
select * from hosts;
it shows that on the hosts with errors their hostImage is set to an ID that does not exist. e.g not in the drop-down list of images to choose from and not in the images table.
As I set each to a correct choice, the errors at the top of the Images page went away. As I then visited each host’s page, the error there was also gone.
It appears that the OS for each image definition did not get properly upgraded.
I want to thank you for labeling the links! That is just what I needed. There is a spelling mistake though. It reads “User Mananagement” and should say “User Management”
Again thank you. If there is anything I need to help you with. Just please let me know. -
[quote=“falko, post: 10656, member: 48”]I must admit I am not a fan of Win 8 :)[/quote]
You don’t have to be a fan of it, but we still need to deploy it. Right now I keep getting pushed to get windows 8 on tablets. I also use it now on my home PC and recently now I use it on my desktop PC at work, though I keep my domain PC as windows 7 for testing applications etc. I would love to roll out widows 8 for tablets, I think users could benefit greatly. For desktops I don’t seen any legitimate reason.
Sry for the question. Is ist right that in actual svn 898 group feature is still missing? (Group hosts for multicast deploy) Link is not showing up.
just wanted to point out that on 12.04 with the most recent svn, the plugin management within the fog web interface is no longer functioning. It reports this error “FOG DEBUG: FOGPageManager: Class: PluginManagementPage, Method:activate, Error: Method not found in class, defaulting to index()”
[quote=“ssx4life, post: 10651, member: 268”]This might sound a bit silly, but do we really want to support windows 8?
(I’m 1/2 kidding here)[/quote]
Really? If Win 8 support is the hold up, then I say release without it. Then work on support in the next release. BTW, those of you that don’t like Windows 8, just install Classic Shell ([url]http://classicshell.net/[/url]).
What is the status of the project? It has been a while since I’ve done anything. Do we need more specific testing at this point?
astrouga -
I use FOG constantly at work all day, so if anything specific needs to be tested, I can definitely help out as well. This is such an amazing piece of software and has made my life so much easier, kudos to you kind sirs
I have found a little bug.
In Inventory.php (management/reports/Inventory.php) the SQL has a mistake: the hostOS atribute not exists in hosts table.
[CODE]— Inventory.php (revisión: 1)
+++ Inventory.php (revisión: 2)
@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@
inner join inventory on ( hosts.hostID = inventory.iHostID )-
left outer join images on ( hostImage = imageID )
left outer join supportedOS on ( hostOS = osID )";
left outer join images on ( hostImage = imageID )";
$res = mysql_query( $sql, $conn ) or die( mysql_error() );
while ( $ar = mysql_fetch_array( $res ) )
[/CODE]If you run the SQL in DB:
[I]mysql> SELECT [/I]
[I] -> * [/I]
[I] -> FROM [/I]
[I] -> hosts [/I]
[I] -> inner join inventory on ( hosts.hostID = inventory.iHostID )[/I]
[I] -> left outer join images on ( hostImage = imageID )[/I]
[I] -> left outer join supportedOS on ( hostOS = osID );[/I]
[I]ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column ‘hostOS’ in ‘on clause’[/I] -
thanks for your great work on FOG !
i have installed FOG 0.33 on centOS 6.4 but i can’t deploy or upload
i have always an error :[QUOTE]Failed to create deploy task
FOGFTP: Login failed. Host: x.x.x.x, Username: fog, Password:[/QUOTE]Fog user was created with the installer
i have checked user rights on folder and reset his password but still no luck …any ideas ?