[HELP WANTED] Client Internationalization
@Joe-Schmitt Looking good!
@x23piracy said in [HELP WANTED] Client Internationalization:
my collegue is italian and will do the translation into italian. How many is it?
A little late but here is italian, i cannot guarante if all is okay but i think so
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} deve effettuare lavori di mantenimento. Prego salva il tuo lavoro e chiudi tutti i file. Annulla Nascondi Riavvia ora Arresta ora Rimanda X ore Y minuti Z secondi ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Arresto annullato L'arresto der sistema é stato annullato Arresto rimandato L'arresto é stato rimandato per {time} Arresto del sistema in {time} Stai per essere disconnesso Se rimani inattivo verrai disconnesso Installazione {snapin name} Perfavore no riavviare fino alla fine der processo {snapin name} installato Installazione completata. Il sistema é pronto per l'uso.
Regards X23
I didn’t see this post. My two cents.
es-ES [Spanish (Spain)]
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} necesita realizar el mantenimiento en este equipo. {company} needs to perform maintenance on this computer. Por favor, guarde su trabajo y cierre todos los programas. Please save any work and close all programs. Cancelar Cancel Ocultar Hide Posponer Postpone Reiniciar Ahora Restart Now Apagar Ahora Shutdown Now Posponer durante Postpone for X hora(s) Y minuto(s) Z segundo(s) X hour(s) Y minute(s) Z second(s) ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Apagado Cancelado Shutdown Aborted El apagado ha sido cancelado Shutdown has been aborted Apagado Retrasado Shutdown Delayed El apagado ha sido retrasado {time} Shutdown has been delayed for {time} El apagado se producirá en {time} Shutdown will occur in {time} Está a punto de ser desconectado You are about to be logged off Será desconectado si permanece inactivo You will be logged off if you remain inactive Instalando {snapin name} Installing {snapin name} Por favor, no apague hasta que no haya finalizado Please do not shutdown until this is completed {snapin name} ha sido instalado {snapin name} installed La instalación ha finalizado y está listo para ser usado Installation has finished and is now ready for use
Short version:
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} necesita realizar el mantenimiento en este equipo. Por favor, guarde su trabajo y cierre todos los programas. Cancelar Ocultar Posponer Reiniciar Ahora Apagar Ahora Posponer durante X hora(s) Y minuto(s) Z segundo(s) ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Apagado Cancelado El apagado ha sido cancelado Apagado Retrasado El apagado ha sido retrasado {time} El apagado se producirá en {time} Está a punto de ser desconectado Será desconectado si permanece inactivo Instalando {snapin name} Por favor, no apague hasta que no haya finalizado {snapin name} ha sido instalado La instalación ha finalizado y está listo para ser usado```
eu-EU [Basque]
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} ekipo honetan mantentze lanetan dabil. {company} needs to perform maintenance on this computer. Mesedez, gorde zure lana eta itxi programa guztiak. Please save any work and close all programs. Ezeztatu Cancel Ezkutatu Hide Atzeratu Postpone Berpiztu Orain Restart Now Itzali Orain Shutdown Now Atzeratu Postpone for X ordu Y minutu Z segundo X hour(s) Y minute(s) Z second(s) ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Itzaltze prozesua Ezeztuta Shutdown Aborted Itzaltze prozesua ezeztuta izan da Shutdown has been aborted Itzaltze prozesua atzeratuta Shutdown Delayed Itzaltze prozesua {time} atzeratua izan da Shutdown has been delayed for {time} {time} itzaliko da Shutdown will occur in {time} Berehala itziko zaizu saioa You are about to be logged off Saioa itziko zaizu aktibitaterik ez bago You will be logged off if you remain inactive Instalatzen {snapin name} Installing {snapin name} Mesedez, ez itzali ekipo prozesua amaitu arte Please do not shutdown until this is completed {snapin name} instalatua izan da {snapin name} installed Instalazioa bukatu da eta erabiltzeko prest dago Installation has finished and is now ready for use
Short version:
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} ekipo honetan mantentze lanetan dabil. Mesedez, gorde zure lana eta itxi programa guztiak. Ezeztatu Ezkutatu Atzeratu Berpiztu Orain Itzali Orain Atzeratu X ordu Y minutu Z segundo ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Itzaltze prozesua Ezeztuta Itzaltze prozesua ezeztuta izan da Itzaltze prozesua atzeratuta Itzaltze prozesua {time} atzeratua izan da {time} itzaliko da Berehala itziko zaizu saioa Saioa itziko zaizu aktibitaterik ez bago Instalatzen {snapin name} Mesedez, ez itzali ekipo prozesua amaitu arte {snapin name} instalatua izan da Instalazioa bukatu da eta erabiltzeko prest dago
Here is Norwegian translation:
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} må utføre nødvendig vedlikehold på denne maskinen. {company} needs to perform maintenance on this computer. Lagre det du holder på med og lukk alle programmer. Please save any work and close all programs. Avbryt Cancel Skjul Hide Utsett Postpone Omstart nå Restart Now Skru av nå Shutdown Now Utsett i Postpone for X time(r) Y minutt(er) Z sekund(er) X time(s) Y minute(s) Z second(s) ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Nedstengning avbrutt Shutdown Aborted Nedstenging er avbrutt Shutdown has been aborted Nedstenging er utsatt Shutdown Delayed Nedstenging er utsatt i {time} Shutdown has been delayed for {time} Nedstenging om {time} Shutdown will occur in {time} Du er i ferdig med å bli logget av You are about to be logged off Du vil bli logget av hvis du forblir inaktiv You will be logged off if you remain inactive Installerer {snapin name} Installing {snapin name} Ikke steng ned maskinen før dette er fullført Please do not shutdown until this is completed {snapin name} installert {snapin name} installed Installasjon er fullført og er nå klar til bruk Installation has finished and is now ready for use```
@pmonstad is that for Bokmål or Nynorsk? Right now I’m assuming its for Bokmål.
@pmonstad @Fernando-Gietz 0.11.12 includes the
translations, thanks for providing them! @x23piracy Thanks for the Italian translations! If we could get another person to ok the Italian translations I’ll add them in the next client release. -
@Joe-Schmitt It is for bokmål, nb_NO
Here is the hungarian one:
hu-HU (Hungary)
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### A {company} karbantartást kell végeznie ezen a számítógépen. Kérjük mentse el a munkáját és zárjon be minden programot. Mégse Elrejtés Elhalasztás Újraindítás most Leállítás most Elhalasztás ennyi ideig X óra Y perc Z másodperc ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Leállítás megszakítva A Leállítás meg lett szakítva Leállítás elhalasztása A Leállítás el lett halasztva ennyi ideig {time} A Leállítás ekkor fog megtörténni {time} Ön ki lesz jelentkeztetve Ön ki lesz jelentkeztetve, ha továbbra is tétlen marad {snapin name} telepítése Kérjük ne kapcsolja ki a számítógépét, amig a folyamat be nem fejeződik. {snapin name} feltelepítve A telepítés befejeződött és készen áll a használatra
@Phaturia Thanks heaps for this. I have this on my list to be added to the fog-client but I didn’t find the time yet. Will post here when it’s added.
@Phaturia Totally forgot to tell you that I finally got around to add this to the client code. I am really sorry for taking so long but hey, will be in the next release for sure!
@sebastian-roth OOO WooW nice ^^
@Phaturia client version 0.11.13 includes your translations, thank you for making them!
Hello there from Brazil. If you still need, here’s a translation to “pt-BR” (brazilian portuguese)
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} precisa realizar manutenção neste computador. Por favor salve todos os documentos e feche todos os programas. Cancelar Hide Adiar Reiniciar Agora Desligar Agora Adiar por X hora(s) Y minuto(s) Z segundo(s) ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Desligamento abortado Desligamento foi abortado Desligamendo adiado Desligamento foi adiado para {time} Desligamento acontecerá em {time} Você está prestes a ser desconectado Você será desconectado se permanecer inativo Instalando {snapin name} Por favor não desligue até a instalação ser concluída {snapin name} instalado Instalação foi concluída e está pronta para uso```
@scosta Thanks! Will add this. Just have not had the time to do so and not sure when that will be. But be assured, this is not lost.
Czech language code cs-CZ
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} je vyžadována údržba tohoto počítače. Uložte prosím Vaši práci a ukončete všechny programy. Zrušit Skrýt Odložit Restartovat nyní Vypnout nyní Odložit o X hodin Y minut Z sekund ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Vypnutí přerušeno Vypnutí bylo přerušeno Vypnutí odloženo Vypnutí bylo odloženo o {time} K vypnutí dojde v {time} Chystáte se odhlásit Pokud zůstanete neaktivní, budete odhlášeni Instaluje se {snapin name} Prosím nevypínejte počítač dokud nebude dokončeno. {snapin name} byl instalován Instalace byla dokončena a je nyní připravena k použití
@Valer Thanks! I just added your translations to the client. We hope to be able to release a new fog-client version in the next weeks.
Does this translation file is still in use? I would like to make translation to polish - pl-PL
@mousepl Sure is. Send in the translation and I will add it to the next version of the fog-client.
Hello, im From Romania - RO and i think you should add this langue to
…here is the translation
### SHUTDOWN PROMPT ### {company} trebuie să efectueze o mentenanță pe acest computer. Vă rugăm să salvați orice lucrare și să închideți toate programele. Anulare Ascunde Reamintește Restartează ACUM Oprește ACUM Reamintește in X ore Y minute Z secunde ### NOTIFICATIONS ### Oprire Anulata Oprirea a fost anulata Oprire Amânata Oprirea a fost amanata pentru {time} Oprirea se va petrece in {time} Urmează sa fii deconectat curând Vei fi deconectat dacă vei rămâne inactiv Se instaleaza {snapin name} Va rugam sa nu Închideți pana la finalizarea acestui proces {snapin name} Sa Instalat Instalarea sa încheiat cu succes si poate fi folosit