Transferred to github to we don’t loose track of it:
@danboid said in Removing MACs from multicast task without starting over:
I also seem to be having an issue with machines not changing their hostname to match what they’re known as to the FOG server. We’re using Windows 10 on the clients. I’ve installed the FOG client, set the address of the FOG server for the client and it has worked for most of the machines but not all. They’re all on the same network / switch but there are two types of PC with different network adapters if that could make a difference?
Just figured this part of your request is still open. Not a great idea to ask for several different things in one topic. As Wayne said early on we need the fog-client log (usually in C:\fog.log) to be able to help. Probably best if you open a new topic if this is still an issue for you - and post fog-client logs as well.