The “Image Size” I’ve been providing is directly how large partclone is reporting the Device Size is. So you would need a drive with at least that size + a little more. There’s no way, for now, to pull all the image size (rec.img.000) size AND (sys.img.000) size, or d1p#.img sizes. It’s not 100% accurate, but should give a fairly good indication of the size needs.
BCD I’m aware of that, but it would mean, image, mount proper drive location, interject the bcd where necessary, and much verification. I’ll try to take time this weekend and test that it works, but it’s no guarantee.
User Management is a goalgoal. I plan to introduce some types of RBAC for users and, maybe later on, groupings of rbacs similar to AD, but less complex.
I don’t have a goals/progress. I’m just a guy who started trying to get the community back up and excited. I’ve been working fairly hard, but I don’t know what all the expectations are. I know the main feature to add before a “stable” release is Windows 8 support. That’s where I’m stuck and I’m sure others are as well.