@joe-schmitt said in Service Fog Client:
when client installs, it sets the service to auto on boot, but does not start.
I guess what needs to be turned into a feature request is a msi install command line switch to alter this behavior. This switch would install and set the service to disabled. Or alter the process to require a command line switch to set the service to auto and the default would be disabled. Either way would work. Probably the command line switch to disable the service would cause the least amount of pain for already installed environments.
Most of the time the fog client is being installed before the system is sysprepped, which is causing us the most problems. So if the client installs but doesn’t start until the FOG Admins wants it to, that would eliminate that source of imaging pain. Also if we can keep the fog client from starting during reference image development, we can keep the fog client from tattooing to the defined FOG server until after OOBE is run (I’m not sure if there is a benefit there).
On the back end to turn the auto start service back on we could have a command line option for the fog client to start the client and enable the service that can be called from the setupcomplete.cmd file. Something like “c:\program files\fog\fogclient.exe /autostart” (I just made up the path and file name just as an example)