@Zaarin Looking into this a bit. I dug around and found my old syslinux pxe menu. Here is a fragment of that menu
label Clonezilla Live MENU LABEL Clonezilla Live kernel /drbl/vmlinuz append initrd=/drbl/initrd.img boot=live live-config union=aufs nolocales edd=on noswap nosplash nomodeset noprompt vga=788 ocs_live_keymap="NONE" ocs_live_run="ocs-live-general" ocs_lang="en_US.UTF-8" fetch=tftp:// label undis3c MENU LABEL Universal PXE NIC kernel memdisk append initrd=unattended/undis3c.imz keeppxe label Centos52 MENU LABEL Centos52 kernel bootimages/centos52/c52vmlinuz append initrd=bootimages/centos52/initrd.img label dodshort MENU LABEL DBAN Drive Eraser DOD 5220-22m (short) MENU PASSWD #SoftKitty1# kernel dbkernel.bzi append initrd=bootimages/dban_ird.gz root=/dev/ram0 init=/rc nuke="dwipe --autonuke --method dodshort" silent label dban MENU LABEL DBAN Full Package MENU PASSWD #SoftKitty1# kernel memdisk append initrd=bootimages/dban.imzThe notable thing here is that I was using memdisk to boot (at the time) was a bootable 1.44MB floppy disk image file (.img)
Now if you have the Tasktypeedit plugin installed. There is also a memtest function listed there and you can inspect how that task is invoked. The notable fields are Kernel and Kernel Arguments. One could blend my syslinux menu and the memtest menu to be able to send a bootable floppy image file to a target computer.
According to the syslinux wiki you can also do the same concept with an iso image.
ref: http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=MEMDISK
The only 2 caveats I see here are:
your target computer must have enough ram to hold the iso image completely and enough remaining ram to run the application on the iso image. Since this is not a FOG generated task, there is nothing to clear the task from the active queue. Here is the warning from the memtest taskMemtest86+ loads Memtest86+ on the client computer and will have it continue to run until stopped. When you are done, you must remember to remove the PXE file, by clicking on "Active Tasks" and clicking on the "Kill Task" button.