Powershell has it’s own environment and for this reason, I compiled ps1 to exe to avoid path problem for an old project.
My script just updated the background on the Windows 7 lock screen.
Powershell has it’s own environment and for this reason, I compiled ps1 to exe to avoid path problem for an old project.
My script just updated the background on the Windows 7 lock screen.
This line works, correct:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy allsigned -File “C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\tmp\fog_inst_office2010.ps1” -programme “P:\packages\audio video\vlc\inst_vlc.bat”
Not this one:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy allsigned -File “fog_inst_office2010.ps1” -programme “P:\packages\audio video\vlc\inst_vlc.bat”
Because powershell is executed from another folder.
The question is: which version is run by the snapin?
An easy workaround is to compile ps1 into an exe.
Yes, correct but… there is always a “but”… I have HP computers as well.
If what I want is possible, I will use FOG to boot computers on a custom linux iso or something else for specific request from the teachers.
I asked to the fog team not only for upgrading the bios but also for other purpose.
Oups I cannot answer this question. I let the expert saying something.
Nethertheless, I already used snapin with powershell script for an old project and I remember that I compiled the script into an exe (with “Powergui script editor” -> Tools -> compile script) to avoid any problem with path environment like powershell didn’t find the ps1.
I got problem myself without any argument, so with argument… it’s the hell on earth.
Please try to compile the office 2010 ps1 into an exe and try.
Greetings from France/Luxembourg.
OK. Je comprends mieux.
But as Tom Elliott said, the ps1 must be here :
09/02/2017 11:47 SnapinClient File: -ExecutionPolicy allsigned -File
and I didn’t see it.
-programme is not an argument recognized by powershell executable.
lebrun78 you wrote
“I checked powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy allsigned -File -ExecutionPolicy allsigned -File “P:\packages\audio video\vlc\inst_vlc.bat” on the client it works.”
-File -ExecutionPolicy are defined twice, maybe it works but it’s not what you’re asking for. In your log, the plugin seems to run another command line because I see the -programme argument, please check your command line in the plugin.
++ Zaza.
I successfully created and ran a fdos iso from fog. The aim is to upgrade BIOS and then reboot automatically. Some other iso will follow to customize the BIOS.
The plugin ‘tasktypeedit’ is installed and, of course, an iPXE entry created.
Is there a way from the fog management to start a custom task and boot my custom ISO? I don’t want to spend too much time to upgrade 600 computers on a site of 10 hectares.
I read this post about the same subject but I don’t unterstand how I have to do.
Many thanks for your help,
8036 as well. Thank for your work. Topic can be closed.
Trunk version 8030 not solving the problem.
@Bob-Henderson Yes, right, I forget to mention that full register is not working as well.
Hi All,
Trunk version 7985
I got a kernel panic when I tried to do a quick register with the following systems:
But the upload or download in unicast mode is working once I registered on the web management. Strange ?!
I tried some kernels but the same.
Here is the result of the following link http://x.x.x.x/fog/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=xx
set fog-ip x.x.x.x
set fog-webroot fog
set boot-url http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}
cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x86_64 || set arch i386
goto get_console
colour --rgb 0x00567a 1 ||
colour --rgb 0x00567a 2 ||
colour --rgb 0x00567a 4 ||
cpair --foreground 7 --background 2 2 ||
goto MENU
cpair --background 0 1 ||
cpair --background 1 2 ||
goto MENU
console --picture http://x.x.x.x/fog/service/ipxe/bg.png --left 100 --right 80 && goto console_set || goto alt_console
colour --rgb 0xff0000 0 ||
cpair --foreground 1 1 ||
cpair --foreground 0 3 ||
cpair --foreground 4 4 ||
item --gap Host is NOT registered!
item --gap -- -------------------------------------
item fog.reginput Perform Full Host Registration and Inventory
item fog.reg Quick Registration and Inventory
choose --default fog.reg --timeout 3000 target && goto ${target}
kernel bzImage32 loglevel=4 initrd=init_32.xz root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=127000 keymap= web=x.x.x.x/fog/ consoleblank=0 debug rootfstype=ext42 loglevel=4 mode=manreg
imgfetch init_32.xz
boot || goto MENU
kernel bzImage32 loglevel=4 initrd=init_32.xz root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=127000 keymap= web=x.x.x.x/fog/ consoleblank=0 debug rootfstype=ext42 loglevel=4 mode=autoreg
imgfetch init_32.xz
boot || goto MENU
chain -ar http://x.x.x.x/fog/service/ipxe/boot.php##params ||
goto MENU
I’m not an expert but the rootfstype is set to ext42 and I don’t know this file system.
Hope it helps and thank for any help to fix the problem.
I alter the table indexes like yours. It works like a charm now. I have my 7 computers in one group.
This topic can be closed.
Thanks you,
I had problem with database update but it was some version before. I agree with you that all users will see exactly the same problem.
The only way to check is to compare with yours: Do you have the same structure?
Once again thanks for all your time,
Zaza from Luxembourg.
I agree with you for the unique key gmHostID_2 but not for the index: gmHostID. With that index only one group is allowed with one member.
\G is not recognized in phpmyadmin. I took the mysql console. Here is what you want.
mysql> SELECT * FROM `fog`.`groupMembers` \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
gmID: 1
gmHostID: 6
gmGroupID: 1
*************************** 2. row ***************************
gmID: 3
gmHostID: 7
gmGroupID: 3
*************************** 3. row ***************************
gmID: 4
gmHostID: 2
gmGroupID: 4
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Thanks for your time,
Sorry, I don’t know how to put a screenshot. A Show create table is better
CREATE TABLE `groupMembers` (
`gmHostID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`gmGroupID` int(11) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `gmHostID` (`gmGroupID`),
UNIQUE KEY `gmHostID_2` (`gmHostID`,`gmGroupID`),
KEY `gmHostID_3` (`gmHostID`)
This index seems to be wrong: UNIQUE KEY gmHostID
Is it the problem? I can remove it and test it but I wait your answer.
Maybe this can help you. I tried again and same problem. This time, I took only two computers and tried from the HostManagement.
160510 14:38:33 179 Change user root@localhost on
179 Query SET NAMES utf8
179 Init DB fog
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT `vValue` FROM `schemaVersion`
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`hosts`.`hostID`) AS `total` FROM `hosts` LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=(1024 * 10)
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `plugins` WHERE `plugins`.`pInstalled`='1' AND `plugins`.`pState`='1' ORDER BY LOWER(`plugins`.`pName`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_VIEW_DEFAULT_SCREEN' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_FTP_IMAGE_SIZE' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`hosts`.`hostID`) AS `total` FROM `hosts`WHERE `hosts`.`hostPending`='1' LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`hostMAC`.`hmID`) AS `total` FROM `hostMAC`WHERE `hostMAC`.`hmPending`='1' LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_DATA_RETURNED' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`users`.`uId`) AS `total` FROM `users` LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`groups`.`groupID`) AS `total` FROM `groups` LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`images`.`imageID`) AS `total` FROM `images` LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`snapins`.`sID`) AS `total` FROM `snapins` LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT COUNT(`printers`.`pID`) AS `total` FROM `printers` LIMIT 1
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_HOST_LOOKUP' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_MEMORY_LIMIT' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_FORMAT_FLAG_IN_GUI' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_SNAPINDIR' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_REPORT_DIR' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_TZ_INFO' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_TZ_INFO' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM users WHERE uId='1'
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_REGENERATE_TIMEOUT' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_ALWAYS_LOGGED_IN' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_THEME' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `globalSettings`.`settingKey`='FOG_PLUGINSYS_ENABLED' ORDER BY LOWER(`globalSettings`.`settingKey`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM taskTypes WHERE ttID='2'
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM taskTypes WHERE ttID='1'
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM taskTypes WHERE ttID='8'
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM groups WHERE groupID='1'
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `groupMembers` WHERE `groupMembers`.`gmGroupID`='1' ORDER BY `groupMembers`.`gmID` ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query INSERT INTO groups (`groupID`,`groupName`,`groupDesc`,`groupCreateBy`,`groupDateTime`,`groupBuilding`,`groupKernel`,`groupKernelArgs`,`groupPrimaryDisk`) VALUES ('1','Deploy Don Vista FR','','fog','2016-05-10 07:38:27','0','','','') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `groupID`='1',`groupName`='Deploy Don Vista FR',`groupDesc`='',`groupCreateBy`='fog',`groupDateTime`='2016-05-10 07:38:27',`groupBuilding`='0',`groupKernel`='',`groupKernelArgs`='',`groupPrimaryDisk`=''
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `groupMembers` WHERE `groupMembers`.`gmGroupID`='1' ORDER BY `groupMembers`.`gmID` ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `hosts` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostMAC` ON `hostMAC`.`hmHostID`=`hosts`.`hostID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `images` ON `images`.`imageID`=`hosts`.`hostImage` WHERE `hostMAC`.`hmPrimary` = '1' ORDER BY LOWER(`hosts`.`hostName`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `groupMembers` WHERE `groupMembers`.`gmGroupID`='1' ORDER BY `groupMembers`.`gmID` ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query SELECT * FROM `hosts` LEFT OUTER JOIN `hostMAC` ON `hostMAC`.`hmHostID`=`hosts`.`hostID` LEFT OUTER JOIN `images` ON `images`.`imageID`=`hosts`.`hostImage` WHERE `hosts`.`hostID` IN ('3') AND `hostMAC`.`hmPrimary` = '1' ORDER BY LOWER(`hosts`.`hostName`) ASC
179 Query SET SESSION sql_mode=''
179 Query INSERT INTO groupMembers (`gmHostID`,`gmGroupID`) VALUES ('3','1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `gmHostID`='3',`gmGroupID`='1'
Hi All,
Trunk version 7559.
I tried to add several computers to a group, which exists or not, only the last one is added.
From the host managment or from the group management\Membership: The problem is the same.
If there is a computer in the group, it is removed and the last one of the new selection is added.
The database upgrade is working now (version 7522).
This topic can be closed.
Thank you,