This is repeating over and over. I tried to uninstall the client manually and installed it again but then this happens:
09.03.2017 17:43 Client-Info Version: 0.11.9
09.03.2017 17:43 Client-Info OS: Windows
09.03.2017 17:43 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
09.03.2017 17:43 Middleware::Communication Download:
09.03.2017 17:43 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
09.03.2017 17:43 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein.
Parametername: authority
09.03.2017 17:43 Client-Info Version: 0.11.9
09.03.2017 17:43 Client-Info OS: Windows
09.03.2017 17:43 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
09.03.2017 17:44 Controller Stop
09.03.2017 17:44 Service Stop requested
09.03.2017 17:44 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not authenticate
09.03.2017 17:44 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
09.03.2017 17:44 Bus {
"self": true,
"channel": "Status",
"data": "{\r\n \"action\": \"unload\"\r\n}"
09.03.2017 17:44 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
Had to split in to posts because i couldn’t get to codes in one post.
Looks like I’m not the only one.: