@Wayne-Workman Thanks Wayne. I guess my real question is about the upgrade path between clients, but it sounds like there isn’t info on that yet. Obviously out of the box, there is no “auto update” to the new client since the legacy client is still being supported - I’m just looking for guidance on what, if any, upgrade path there will be once 1.3.0 launches.
Upgrade path?
Currently, in FOG Trunk, you’d go to FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> Client Service -> and tick the new client checkbox.
There might not be a path of “upgrading” for the old clients… There is talk of discontinuing support of the legacy client, and just disabling it completely in 1.3.0.
As far as the old clients out in the field… they will just be out there… lonely… with nobody to talk to… and some day… they will go to a better place when a new image is applied.
Currently, though, FOG Trunk does support both the old client AND the new one, although you can’t set settings for the old client when the “new client” check box is ticked. Whatever AD credentials/ encrypted strings are set on clients will stay, but new changes will use the new client methods.
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