This is only somewhat related, but why in the world are you not monitoring the Fog servers with whatever network monitoring software is in place?

Best posts made by MRCUR
RE: Node status - Online/Offline and better offline handling
RE: No network interfaces found (verifyNetworkConnection)
@Wayne-Workman I would ask for verification that “spanning-tree bpdufilter enable” is set for the port OR that “spanning-tree portfast (int num) enable” is set.
RE: Kernel for Ubuntu 64 bit
@Tom If you’re going to run multiple DHCP servers (I assume you’re trying to get some HA out of it), then you really should be using the built in DHCP Failover setup that Windows provides. It’s far easier to manage than what you’ve got now.
I’ll also note that you should really consider moving DHCP services off of a DC.
RE: Multiple fog servers
Take a look at the Location Plugin -
It allows you to have a “master” FOG server that you could point all clients to (in terms of the FOG client installed on the computers), but have them image from the server at their building. If you have a computer at your office for repair, you could also switch its location while it’s there to image and then switch it back once it’s returned to the building. We use this plugin very successfully with 24 sites, although we only have two FOG servers total since our WAN links are all 1Gb or better.
RE: Windows 10 unattend.xml (sysprep answer file) challenge
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="windowsPE"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <SetupUILanguage> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> </SetupUILanguage> <InputLocale>en-US</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UILanguageFallback>en-US</UILanguageFallback> <UserLocale>en-US</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <UserData> <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula> <FullName>End User</FullName> <Organization>Your Org</Organization> </UserData> </component> </settings> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Deployment" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <RunSynchronous> <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <Path>net user Administrator /active:yes</Path> </RunSynchronousCommand> </RunSynchronous> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <SkipAutoActivation>true</SkipAutoActivation> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile> <ShowWindowsLive>false</ShowWindowsLive> <TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</TimeZone> <DoNotCleanTaskBar>true</DoNotCleanTaskBar> <ComputerName>*</ComputerName> </component> </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <InputLocale>en-US</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UILanguageFallback>en-US</UILanguageFallback> <UserLocale>en-US</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <AutoLogon> <Password> <Value>YourEncryptedPassword</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </Password> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <LogonCount>2</LogonCount> <Username>Administrator</Username> </AutoLogon> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> <NetworkLocation>Work</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>1</ProtectYourPC> </OOBE> <UserAccounts> <AdministratorPassword> <Value>YourEncryptedPassword</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </AdministratorPassword> <LocalAccounts> <LocalAccount wcm:action="add"> <Password> <Value>YourEncryptedPassword</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </Password> <Description>Local Administrator</Description> <DisplayName>Administrator</DisplayName> <Group>Administrators</Group> <Name>Administrator</Name> </LocalAccount> </LocalAccounts> </UserAccounts> <RegisteredOrganization>Your Org</RegisteredOrganization> <RegisteredOwner>End User</RegisteredOwner> </component> </settings> <settings pass="generalize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices>true</DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices> <PersistAllDeviceInstalls>true</PersistAllDeviceInstalls> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:d:/sources/install.wim#Windows 7 ENTERPRISE" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /> </unattend>
RE: Fog client confusion
@coco65 I have to disagree with this. When you use “image” as a verb, it implies that you are downloading the image to the computer.
RE: Service Modules in new Client?
@Wayne-Workman This is exactly what @george1421 linked to earlier and I mentioned below.
RE: Automatic hardware detection & driver installs in FOG
@giejo63 I’m running into the same issues. I have a sysprepped Win 7 image that has the C:\drivers location set to look for drivers. I have the drivers on the FOG server in /images/drivers and the scripts are executable. The postdownload file is set to run the script, and I have SetupComplete.cmd on the image set as described in Andrew’s wiki page.
Anyone have some ideas?
RE: Installing new install of cloud 5786 setting up storage failed
Confirming this same issue with build 5790 on Ubuntu 14.04. Fails the first time through, works fine the second time.
RE: Surface Pro 4 Type Cover
@Tom-Elliott This isn’t an urgent issue for me (I’m imaging the last SP4 right now), but I keep a SP4 w/ SP4 Type Cover so I can test in the future.
Latest posts made by MRCUR
RE: FOG 1.5.0 RC 13 and FOG Client v0.11.14 Released
This is my first time using the new UI - wow! Huge upgrade.
RE: Hp 440 G4 boot issue
@george1421 That did the trick. Thanks @george1421!
RE: Hp 440 G4 boot issue
@george1421 I get a warning about CSM not being available but hitting enter allows the laptop to boot. I suppose I need to remove the “hdbios” and “biosexternal”.
RE: Hp 440 G4 boot issue
@george1421 That’s apparently the default in my conf file. I’ll set it back to refind and see what it does.
RE: Hp 440 G4 boot issue
@george1421 Having tried each of the exit types without success, any other suggestions? Perhaps a kernel update?
RE: 1.3.1 - Quick image fails with "operation not permitted"
@Tom-Elliott I didn’t see it mentioned in the release notes hence the post. I’ll update.
1.3.1 - Quick image fails with "operation not permitted"
- FOG Version: 1.3.1
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
When attempting to run a quick image on a previously registered host from the PXE menu, you get hundreds of lines showing the ipxe URL. Eventually you see a “Could not boot: operation not permitted” error and the task ends. This does not happen if the task is done through the web UI.
Perhaps an issue with the location plugin?
RE: Help with Win10 Driver injection
@george1421 I can’t imagine the drivers would install correctly with the persist & do not clean set to true. This is probably your issue @kyle-heath.
RE: RC19 - Server sending magic packets to all hosts
@Tom-Elliott Haven’t had it happen again yet.