@Ceregon I’ve never messed with cloning a raid array. Anything can be done, but whether or not it’s going to work with built-in stuff is a different question.
I imagine you have vroc/vmd enabled in the bios on the machine where you’re deploying already. I’ve never got to play with Vroc but I’m familiar with it, just wasn’t able to convince management to buy me the stuff to try it a few years back.
My first guess is that /dev/md124 doesn’t exist because the raid volume doesn’t exist yet, but it sounds like you found that in a debug session on a host you’re trying to deploy too. So that’s probably out. But I just wonder if the VROC volume needs to be created beforehand to be deployed to, but I don’t have a full understanding of when that volume is made.
My next guess would be that a RAID array is a multiple disk system, so the image needs to be captured in multiple disk mode
Are you having different disk sizes for these RAID volumes? would capturing with multiple disk or dd be an option?
In theory a RAID is a single volume, and you may be able to capture it correctly and it sounds like you’ve found others in the forum that have done that?
Other possibility is the need for different VROC drivers in the bzImage kernel, but I feel like if that was the case, then you wouldn’t be able to see the disk at all when capturing.
You could also capture in debug mode and mount the windows drive before starting the capture to see if you can read stuff?
This is from part of a postdownload script that will mount the windows disk to the path /ntfs
. /usr/share/fog/lib/funcs.sh
mkdir -p /ntfs
getPartitions $hd
for part in $parts; do
umount /ntfs >/dev/null 2>&1
fsTypeSetting "$part"
case $fstype in
dots "Testing partition $part"
ntfs-3g -o force,rw $part /ntfs
if [[ ! $ntfsstatus -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Skipped"
if [[ ! -d /ntfs/windows && ! -d /ntfs/Windows && ! -d /ntfs/WINDOWS ]]; then
echo "Not found"
umount /ntfs >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Success"
echo " * Partition $part not NTFS filesystem"
if [[ ! $ntfsstatus -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Failed"
handleError "Failed to mount $part ($0)\n Args: $*"
echo "Done"
Also, hot tip, once you’re in debug mode, you can run passwd
and set a root password for that debug session. Then run ifconfig
to get the ip. Then you can ssh into your debug session with ssh root@ip
then put in the password you set when prompted. Then you can copy and paste this stuff and it’s a lot easier to copy the output or take screenshots.
Another possibilty could be using pre and post download scripts to fix the raid volume in the linux side, I found this information https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/memory-and-storage/linux-intel-vroc-userguide-333915.pdf but I didn’t dig into to that too much.