Powershell API Module
@jamaal I see that you’re using the powershell ISE. While that is still a great tool, I would personally recommend giving vscode with the powershell extension a try. That’s what I use for all my development and find it faster and easier to use.
A new small bugfix and feature release has just been published.
This fixes issues related to getting fog groups and adds functions for creating fog hosts.https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2103.2.12
I had a feature request for the API. I am looking at trying to output the last time the computer was imaged so that when I scan the serial I can get that info direct out of PS. Have I just missed it or is that not in there?
@chris-whiteley Sorry for the insanely delayed reply.
So you’re looking to find a host by the serial number? And then get the last time it was imaged?
I was coming here to post information on my recent update, but this sounded useful so I went ahead and implemented getting a foghost by the serialnumber in the inventory field and even aget-lastimagetime
function that will default to prompting you to scan a serial number barcode
These will be published shortly.-JJ
A new Major version has been released along with a quick feature revision shortly aftersee
https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2208.3.1for details on what’s been added.
Some highlights include
Deploy-FogImage and Capture-FogImage functions to start deploy and capture tasks on fog hosts from powershell both instant and scheduled.
You could always do this, but it’s now simplified in helper functions. -
I will check it out! Late is better than never! Appreciate your work on this.
G george1421 referenced this topic on
J JJ Fullmer referenced this topic on
A new version has been published!Release notes here:
@JJ-Fullmer Thanks for your great work!
A minor update has been released
Release notes: https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2303.5.33
PSgallery Listing: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/FogApi/2302.5.33 -
A minor bugfix update has been released
Release notes: https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2304.5.41
PSgallery Listing: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/FogApi/2304.5.41 -
A minor bugfix update has been released…and then something more was caught (aliases for functions weren’t being exported) and another version was released right after
Release notes: https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2310.6.3
PSGallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/FogApi/2310.6.3 -
Another minor bugfix release, I left a random ‘a’ at the end of a line.
Also added a switch to set-fogsnapins for running the repair-fogsnapinassociations before attempting to add new onesRelease notes: https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2311.6.4
PSGallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/FogApi/2311.6.4 -
A major version update has been released!
Added various functions and some new features. If you’re using fog 1.6 beta I added some tab complete of your server’s host names dynamically (the api in 1.6 is much faster, so there’s less overhead in making the call to list host names).
Also added a get-fogversion and various other requested features.One big and often requested thing included is a
function that attempts to find the pxe boot entry in a windows hosts bcedit /enum {fwbootmgr} and sets it as the first boot option. I’ve used it with much success in my environment but I need feedback from other environments to make it truly universal.Another big update is pipeline support. It’s not quite yet as universal as I want, but I added things like
get-foghost -hostname somename | add-foghostmac -macaddress 00:00:00:00:00:00
Release notes: https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2408.9.2
Full change log:
PSGallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/FogApi/2408.9.2 -
A patch version update has been released!
Fixed an issue with github actions where the release build step wasn’t committing because no user or email address was set, made the github actions bot be the author on those.
Fixed a typo in the Set-FogSnapins $pkglist param definition, somehow had accidentally made it just string instead of a string array which broke some of my internal scripts so i quickly patched it in case it broke anyone elses
As a side note, if anyone is curious as to why it jumped from xxxx.6.x to xxxx.9.x that was an accident that I didn’t notice till today… It should have been 2408.7.x. It was probably a typo or I forgot to revert it after the tests of the new build and release system. Since there were already 500+ downloads on xxxx.9.2 I’m not going to go deleting those versions and redoing them as xxxx.7.x. Apologies if anyone caught that and was confused
Release notes: https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2408.9.3
Full change log:
PSGallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/FogApi/2408.9.3 -
Another Release! 2408.9.16
- Working towards automated releases, this release was created from an automation triggered by an accepted pull request!
- Added getting gpu inventory to get-foginventory which will work with the next release of Fog and already works in 1.6-beta. Capturing gpu inventory from FOS requires the latest experimental kernel and init as of writing. (EDIT: The required Kernel and Init are now what is downloaded with a Fog install/update by default (latest versions) )
- Fixed some issues with the new Get-WinBcdPxeID, fixed some logic issues and added some helper functions I forgot to include. Tested it in different environments with success.
- Added new Send-FogImage (Deploy fog image) parameters for Fog 1.6-beta and included switches for NoWol, shutdown after deploy, etc. Will later do the same for Receive-FogImage
- Still working out the release note formatting and versioning of automated releases. I have been appending each change where I increment the build version to the release notes, but the automation also append the combined commit of those changes, so some things are duplicated in the full change log.
- The nupkg from the powershell gallery, and the generated nupkg that will be later published to chocolatey (once the current version is approved I can add more versions) are now auto-added to the release assets in github, providing alternate install methods. There’s also a built version of the module in the zip of each release now too.
- I am attempting to unify the overview docs that end up being repeated in the module manifest, chocolatey nuspec, github readme, and about_ help files. I hope to later automate that a bit so it all comes from a single place to edit such.
Currently thinking I’ll switch to a dev branch system where I’ll have a testing version and whenever I pull that in to the master branch a release will be triggered, similar to how we now have Fog setup. That way there’s not a release overload by doing a release for every small feature I add. Hoping that the automatic release notes will include pull requests into dev since the last pull into master. Trying to find ways to adapt to the way github’s automations are designed.
Release notes: https://github.com/darksidemilk/FogApi/releases/tag/2408.9.16
Full change log:
PSGallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/FogApi/2408.9.16
Chocolatey: (Coming soon, Pending Chocolatey Moderator Approval): https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/FogApi/2408.9.3