API Return object for scheduledtask is malformed (has a tiny typo)
@jj-fullmer Please try this:
(I’ve pushed it to dev-branch)
@tom-elliott said in API Return object for scheduledtask is malformed (has a tiny typo):
@jj-fullmer this is expected. Remember, Ms makes powershell and command line case insensitive, but Linux doesn’t.
taskType is the id for scheduled tasks.
tasktype is the full definition. I can make the change so the first is mor definitive though.
I thought this might be the case, thanks for making the change, giving updating a try now
@tom-elliott Am I on the right track for the json data needed to create a scheduledtask? Or can we not create scheduledtasks in the api?
@jj-fullmer I haven’t looked at scheduled tasks in a very long time (when referencing the API) but I believe you are on the right track.
Essentially the required fields:
type(Type = C or S – C = cron S = delayed)
Of course none of that makes sense so I would recommend:
name = just a nice name
description = optional but maybe something like invoked from powershell api script
type = S or C
taskTypeID = one of the task types
minute = (Only if type c, If S type full date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss format)
hour = (Only if type c)
dayOfMonth = (Only if type c)
month = (Only if type c)
dayOfWeek = (Only if type c)
isGroupTask = (1 = is group task, 0 = is not)
hostID = (if a group task, this will be the group id, otherwise this will be the host id)
shutdown = (do you want the host/group to shutdown once the task is complete – 0 = restart, 1 = shutdown)
other2 = (deploy snapins, snapin ID, -1 for all snapins associated, or false to not deploy
other3 = (username to reset, only used if the scheduled task is a password reset)
other4 = (1 = wol enabled, 0 = wol disabled)Hopefully this helps.
Thank you,
@tom-elliott On what api path would you expect that to work?
When I run that on the host/hostID/task path it makes a normal task that shows a start time of the runtime. I haven’t tested to see if it works like a scheduled task or not when that happens.
p.s. The update did the trick for getting scheduled tasks from the api in powershell =D
Here’s what I’m gettingNew-FogObject -type object -coreObject scheduledtask -jsonData $jsonData -vb VERBOSE: Building uri and api call VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Building Headers... VERBOSE: Building api call URI... VERBOSE: POSTing { "name":"Deploy Test", "type":"S", "taskTypeID":"1", "runTime":"2020-11-20 15:13", "isGroupTask":"0", "hostID":"1736", "shutdown":"0", "other2":"-1", "other4":"1" } to/from http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create VERBOSE: POST http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create with -1-byte payload VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type application/json VERBOSE: finished api call id : 76 name : Deploy Test description : type : S taskTypeID : 1 minute : hour : dayOfMonth : month : dayOfWeek : isGroupTask : 0 hostID : 1736 shutdown : 0 other1 : other2 : -1 other3 : other4 : 1 other5 : scheduleTime : 0 isActive : imageID : 0 host : #I Omitted this part to keep this shorter and cause its shows ad creds tasktype : @{id=1; name=Deploy; description=Deploy action will send an image saved on the FOG server to the client computer with all included snapins.; icon=download; kernel=; kernelArgs=type=down; type=fog; isAdvanced=0; access=both; initrd=} runtime : 1969-12-31 17:00
This does create an object in the scheduledtasks table. I can see it in the database, but I can’t see it in the gui. Also, the runtime/starttime is different from what was passed in the json. So something’s going on here. It would be extremely beneficial to be able to get this working. Not just for my own purposes, there have been some other people in the forums asking about it from time to time.
With this json
$jsonData = @" { "name":"Deploy Test 2", "type":"S", "taskTypeID":"1", "runTime":"2020-11-20 15:13", "scheduleTime":"1605895200", "isGroupTask":"0", "hostID":"1736", "shutdown":"0", "other2":"-1", "other4":"1", "isActive":"1" } "@
It creates a scheduled task! Huzzah!
However it converts the time I give either to UTC time or as if it was given in universal time.
I got thescheduletime
value by making a scheduled task manually and then getting the object. I think that and theisActive
were both important. It also doesn’t seem to like it when you have a task with the same name made with the api, but all the scheduled tasks have the same name when made in the gui.
I just confirmed that both those properties are needed for a scheduled task. Just need to figure out how to get the time I expect it to be.This was the result for reference. It also ignored the minutes in the time I gave.
New-FogObject -type object -coreObject scheduledtask -jsonData $jsonData -vb VERBOSE: Building uri and api call VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Building Headers... VERBOSE: Building api call URI... VERBOSE: POSTing { "name":"Deploy Test 2", "type":"S", "taskTypeID":"1", "runTime":"2020-11-20 15:13", "scheduleTime":"1605895200", "isGroupTask":"0", "hostID":"1736", "shutdown":"0", "other2":"-1", "other4":"1", "isActive":"1" } to/from http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create VERBOSE: POST http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create with -1-byte payload VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type application/json VERBOSE: finished api call id : 78 name : Deploy Test 2 description : type : S taskTypeID : 1 minute : hour : dayOfMonth : month : dayOfWeek : isGroupTask : 0 hostID : 1736 shutdown : 0 other1 : other2 : -1 other3 : other4 : 1 other5 : scheduleTime : 1605895200 isActive : 1 imageID : 0 host : #omitted runtime : 2020-11-20 11:00
Actually it seems to ignore whatever I put in runtime and just puts 11:00 today, so maybe scheduletime converts to runtime somewhere?
New-FogObject -type object -coreObject scheduledtask -jsonData $jsonData -vb VERBOSE: Building uri and api call VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Building Headers... VERBOSE: Building api call URI... VERBOSE: POSTing { "name":"Deploy Test 5", "type":"S", "taskTypeID":"1", "runTime":"2020-11-20 19:00", "scheduleTime":"1605895200", "isGroupTask":"0", "hostID":"1736", "shutdown":"0", "other2":"-1", "other4":"1", "isActive":"1" } to/from http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create VERBOSE: POST http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create with -1-byte payload VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type application/json VERBOSE: finished api call id : 81 name : Deploy Test 5 description : type : S taskTypeID : 1 minute : hour : dayOfMonth : month : dayOfWeek : isGroupTask : 0 hostID : 1736 shutdown : 0 other1 : other2 : -1 other3 : other4 : 1 other5 : scheduleTime : 1605895200 isActive : 1 imageID : 0 runtime : 2020-11-20 11:00
@jj-fullmer said in API Return object for scheduledtask is malformed (has a tiny typo):
It looks like this is the seconds since epoch you can get with linux date function.
i.e.date --date='@1605895200'
returnsFri Nov 20 11:00:00 MST 2020
maybe setting schedule time as a normal date string works too…nope it does not, has to be seconds since epoch.
I think I can work with this though. There is a-unixtimeseconds
param on the powershell 7 version ofget-date
but it looks like it coverts a number to a date not a date to a number. So just gotta do some date math.$EpochDiff = New-TimeSpan “01 January 1970 00:00:00” $(Get-Date) $EpochSecs = [INT] $EpochDiff.TotalSeconds - [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset($(get-date)).totalseconds $EpochSecs
That gets and displays the current time in epoch secs. So at some point I just need to add a function to the module for scheduledtasks where it will take a given datetime object and convert it to seconds since epoch like
function Get-SecsSinceEpoch { param ( $scheduleDate = (Get-Date) ) process { $EpochDiff = New-TimeSpan "01 January 1970 00:00:00" $($scheduleDate) $EpochSecs = [INT] $EpochDiff.TotalSeconds - [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset($(get-date)).totalseconds return $EpochSecs } }
Implementing the rest of the scheduled task object would take a bit more time than I have at the moment sadly.
Also credit where it’s due, found this snippet in the comments on this blog post https://jamgotre.blogspot.com/2011/02/powershell-seconds-since-1970.html
I just turned it into a function here. I’m sure there’s gotta be someone else who’s done this before or something and it really should be included inGet-Date
if it isn’t already. I just actually submitted an issue so that it might become included https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/14211 I feel special. -
Here is a working example of setting a scheduled deploy image task on a host with the id 1736 using the FogAPI powershell module (provided you also paste/import this function into your console/session until I eventually add it to the module) I’m also including the verbose output for reference of what’s happening. You can omit the
part ofNew-FogObject
if you don’t want all the outputfunction Get-SecsSinceEpoch { param ( $scheduleDate = (Get-Date) ) process { $EpochDiff = New-TimeSpan "01 January 1970 00:00:00" $($scheduleDate) $EpochSecs = [INT] $EpochDiff.TotalSeconds - [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset($(get-date)).totalseconds return $EpochSecs } }
$scheduleTime = Get-SecsSinceEpoch -scheduleDate (Get-Date 15:30) $jsonData = @" >> { >> "name":"Deploy Test 7", >> "type":"S", >> "taskTypeID":"1", >> "runTime":"2020-11-20 15:30", >> "scheduleTime":"$scheduleTime", >> "isGroupTask":"0", >> "hostID":"1736", >> "shutdown":"0", >> "other2":"-1", >> "other4":"1", >> "isActive":"1" >> } >> "@ C:\Users\jfullmer\git\admin_scripts [master ≡ +1 ~3 -0 !]> New-FogObject -type object -coreObject scheduledtask -jsonData $jsonData -vb VERBOSE: Building uri and api call VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Pulling settings from settings file VERBOSE: Building Headers... VERBOSE: Building api call URI... VERBOSE: POSTing { "name":"Deploy Test 7", "type":"S", "taskTypeID":"1", "runTime":"2020-11-20 15:30", "scheduleTime":"1605911400", "isGroupTask":"0", "hostID":"1736", "shutdown":"0", "other2":"-1", "other4":"1", "isActive":"1" } to/from http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create VERBOSE: POST http://fog-server/fog/scheduledtask/create with -1-byte payload VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type application/json VERBOSE: finished api call id : 83 name : Deploy Test 7 description : type : S taskTypeID : 1 minute : hour : dayOfMonth : month : dayOfWeek : isGroupTask : 0 hostID : 1736 shutdown : 0 other1 : other2 : -1 other3 : other4 : 1 other5 : scheduleTime : 1605911400 isActive : 1 imageID : 0 runtime : 2020-11-20 15:30
And here it is in the gui
I believe you probably also need to update to the lastest dev version of fog for this to work from windows. Before this change I wasn’t ever able to get or create anything on this api path. But I also didn’t have the correct parameters for the json.
I hope to eventually make this a much more user friendly api powershell function. Something like
Set-FogScheduledtask -host $somehost -time (get-date 15:40) -allSnapins -name "just a nice name" -taskType (capture|deploy|snapin|etc)
will probably have a lot of parameters, but it will probably be worth putting in the time to make that work nicely so people can easily create scheduled tasks from a command line. Just need to get a couple hours to myself to get it done. -
@Tom-Elliott When I create a scheduled task via the API, it errors out if the name field has a task that already exists. Which is odd because if you make the tasks manually they always have the same name and it causes no problems. Could there be some check on these api post calls that’s making them not work if the name is not unique? I could probably make it so the name has an incremented number or something, but my first attempts at doing that revealed that there’s either a character limit on that field, or it just doesn’t like it when the host name of the host being imaged is in that field. Thoughts?
@jj-fullmer The name field is not required for scheduled tasks. For Scheduled Tasks, the name is not set, as far as I remember. So I think the named “scheduled” task should use a unique name for the scheduled task.
@tom-elliott, @JJ-Fullmer Looking further, the generic premise behind the create/edit route checks if a “name” exists.
I can work to add checks that if you’re building certain types of items.
@tom-elliott Added a little tiny bit.
Thank you,
@tom-elliott So there’s a check if the name exists? But the name is not required? I’ll try creating one without a name and see what happens. I don’t think there needs to be a unique name.
@tom-elliott Saw this reply after I wrote mine, I’ll just give updating a go then and see what happens
@tom-elliott said in API Return object for scheduledtask is malformed (has a tiny typo):
@tom-elliott Added a little tiny bit.
Thank you,
That tiny bit that allowed non-unique names for tasks and scheduled tasks did the trick!