@Sebastian-Roth said in >FOG vs UEFI:
@jeremyvdv Maybe this is going to help you: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Windows_DHCP_Server
This is also on the new docs page https://docs.fogproject.org/en/latest/installation/network-setup/dhcp-server-settings/
@george1421 said in >FOG vs UEFI:
@jeremyvdv If you have a windows dhcp server AND you need to pxe boot both bios and uefi based computers you might want to review this wiki page to setup dhcp profiles so your dhcp server sends the proper boot file name based on the target computer: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/BIOS_and_UEFI_Co-Existence#Using_Windows_Server_2012_.28R1_and_later.29_DHCP_Policy
This is also on the new docs page