@45lightrain how did you create the raid 0 array? From within linux or using the intel rst controller?
FWIW: I have not been able to make the vroc arrays work with FOG, but if you have ubuntu loaded on a vroc array then it has to work and we need to talk.
If you created the array with intel rst or using a software raid created by ubuntu then you have some luck. The first thing I would do is go into the fog global settings and look for kernel parameters field. Then add mdraid-true
into that field. That tells the fos linux kernel to look for a raid array.
Next I would schedule a capture or deploy image, but before you hit the schedule task button, tick the debug checkbox.
PXE boot the target computer, after a few screens of text you need to clear with the enter key you will be dropped to the fos linux command prompt. Key in lsblk to see if FOS Linux assembled your array for you. It will probably be listed as /dev/md0, or /dev/md126 or 127. If its there THAT is the device name you need to key into the host record for this target computer in the hard drive field. This way FOG will not try to use one of the nvme drive, but the raid device.
If the device is not automatically detected you may need to assemble the array, but lets first start with making sure you have the kernel parameter set and that fos linux sees the array.