@rurap From historical experience if we have an issue with a network card/chip set it will be realtek.
For that realtek nic, can you get the hardware ID of that card, in windows you can get it from the device manager vendor and Id numbers. They will be 4 hex digit codes both the vendor and device id.
You can get them from FOS linux running on the target computer. It will probably be easiest to get from FOS Linux since I will need you to get some info from there for the second part of the question.
Schedule a debug capture/deploy to one of these vostros. Before you hit the scheduled task button tick the debug checkbox. Then schedule the task.
PXE boot the target computer, after several screens of text you need to clear with the enter key you will be dropped to the command prompt.
Key in the following
lspci -nn | grep -i net
Search for the Realtek nic in question and capture the hex codes in the square brackets in the form of [XXXX:XXXX]
Some nics require special firmware to work correctly with linux. Run this command to see if any firmware messages were logged. I should know this by now but I forget if the log is syslog or messages file. So you might have to adjust.
grep -i -e firm /var/log/syslog
Hint: If you want to make it easier for copying and pasting to the target computer do the following after you pxe boot into debug mode.
- Get the IP address of the target computer with the following command
ip a s
- Change root’s password with
make it something simple like hello it will be reset at the next reboot.
- Now using putty from a windows computer or ssh from a linux computer connect to the target system using the above two bits of info. Login as root and the password you just set.
From there you can copy and paste using the apps.