@george1421 Well progress is good.
I can pxe boot the dell (redhat) kernel with this
Menu Item: os.platformR620
Description: Platform Specific Firmware R620
kernel tftp://${fog-ip}/os/dell/psf620/SA.1
initrd tftp://${fog-ip}/os/dell/psf620/SA.2
imgargs SA.1 initrd=SA.2 root=live:http://${fog-ip}/dellsquashfs.img rootfstype=auto rd.live.image rd.writable.fsimg rw DEBUG=0 share_type=NFS loglevel=7 BUILD=0 selinux=0 edd=off rd.md=0 rd.dm=0 quiet – share_script=drm_files/apply_bundles.sh
boot || goto MENU
Menu Show with: All Hosts
SA.1 and SA.2 to into the /tftpboot path and squashfs.img -> dellsquashfs.img goes into the http root of /var/www/html
It boots but doesn’t complete what is needed. But I have access to the command prompt. Focus is on this parameter now: share_type=NFS
Some searching on the target system shows these options:
2021-07-08 13_40_07-Window.png
Now we know the script that is responsible to making the connection and the values supported for share_type.
looking into the script I see two new clues.
2021-07-08 15_45_16-Window.png
$share_location and $share_opts making an NFS mount.