More control with Partitions
Did anyone ever get a line on the source code or a walk through on this? I am managing dual boot laptops and it would be very useful (and a time saver) to (for example) image the Windows partition while leaving the Centos partition unchanged.
There is a thread/wiki article about some custom mods a guy made for his company. See if you can find that.
Hello there, where can i find the feature of fernando please? I don’t find out a thread/wiki talking about this
This feature is not in the official FOG version, sorry.
i think it s coming from there…
[url][/url] -
[quote=“raymondub, post: 43647, member: 28342”]hi,
i think it s coming from there…
[url][/url][/quote]What is?
[quote=“Fernando Gietz, post: 252, member: 13”]We have developed this feature, but we use fog 0.30.
The way it operates is simple:
1 º) When you upload the picture for the first time you save the partition scheme in the database, via web services.
2 º) for the next time, the web interface gives you the option to choose which partition you want to upload.
3 º) FOG script on the client, ask via web services if you need to upload the whole disk or just a partition. If the result of the query is running the fogpartinfo ALL, otherwise, it returns the device / dev / sdaX.
4 º) Once the upload process, the web service takes care of Post_Stage2.php to copy the image file of the partition in its place
5 º) Saving the partition scheme you know that images have the same schema, so you can share the image files of partitions.In this way the code is responsible for making the task of renaming files, and avoid human error.
The source name image is aula-bz-cursos-A6A-rembo-mantenimiento. We can upload all partitions, sda1(NTFS) or sda5 (NTFS) and share it with aula-bz-cursos-A6A-rembo-gx620_produccion image[IMG][/IMG][/quote]
what is shown in the screenshot above…
A special version of fog to allow to work not only with hard drive but also to restore partitions only.
I didn’t test it but i m also interested in that functionnality -
Thounsand battles are around me
This feature was developed for my university and worked and works fine, the problem is that this feature only works under our special fog version. I would like develope it for the new version of FOG, but actually I don’t have spare time to do it.
Maybe in FOG 1.4
You guys use deep freeze?
Dropped it about 5 years back when we still used xp.
Hola Fernando,
I m really sorry for this, I m not searching for a fight at all. It s just that i found that it was something so interesting and i was so happy that i found the installation files that i wanted to share it here !
Now i m in production and have to deploy my computer otherwise it would have been a pleasure to test it !