Fog is hanging after choosing task
Sounds like something is wrong with recent Trunk versions.
Four different people here reporting the same issue.
Please try re-running the installer. It seems there was an issue this morning with Sourceforge that cause a 0 byte downloaded file.
@Tom-Elliott said:
Please try re-running the installer. It seems there was an issue this morning with Sourceforge that cause a 0 byte downloaded file.
@Wayne-Workman said:
@Tom-Elliott said:
Please try re-running the installer. It seems there was an issue this morning with Sourceforge that cause a 0 byte downloaded file.
@alltheworld xD
I am re-downloading 3513 now to see if it fixes the issue… Not sure if this is related, but in the process of re-downloading FOG, it pauses at the following section for quite a while…like, almost 2 hours long.
*Downloading kernels and inits . . .
Maybe it’s just a coincidence. Anyways, once this fully downloads and installs, I’ll report back the results.
Thanks again for all of the hard work the Devs and Moderators put in and thanks for the quick responses.
Here’s is the update:
So I have successfully updated our FOG server to svn 3515 and the results are the same unfortunately…
I try to register a host and it loads the bzimage quickly, then pauses for a few ‘extra’ seconds on the init.xz, but then it also finally loads just fine. Then the screen goes black (or blank) with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner of the screen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What’s the output of:
ls -lhart /var/www/fog/service/ipxe
(if ubuntu)
ls -lahrt /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe
(if redhat) -
fog@fogproject:~$ ls -lhart /var/www/fog/service/ipxe
total 4.5M
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 907 Jun 4 11:56 boot.php
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 230K Jun 4 11:56 grub.exe
drwxr-xr-x 6 fog www-data 4.0K Jun 4 11:56 .svn
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 1.8M Jun 4 11:56 memtest.bin
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 25K Jun 4 11:56 memdisk
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 44K Jun 4 11:56 bg.png
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 1.4K Jun 4 11:56 advanced.php
drwxr-xr-x 4 www-data www-data 4.0K Jun 4 11:56 …
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 0 Jun 4 12:41 bzImage32
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 0 Jun 4 13:26 init.xz
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog www-data 0 Jun 4 14:11 init_32.xz
drwxr-xr-x 2 fog fog 4.0K Jun 4 15:57 backup
drwxr-xr-x 4 fog www-data 4.0K Jun 4 15:57 .
-rw-r–r-- 1 fog fog 2.4M Jun 4 15:57 bzImage -
Can you try re-running the installer.
The “stall” is the bzImage files and inits are 0 size.
This will be like my 4th time re-running the installer. Is it possible to get direct download links to these files and I can manually go in and replace them myself?
If not, I can try to re-run the installer again.
Once again, I thank you for your time and support.
I think I found the files online:’ll download them tomorrow and install them in the following location:
\var\www\fog\service\ipxeIf this doesn’t work, I’ll try to re-run the installer tomorrow. I’ll report back with the results.
for the record, I updated today and it worked fine.
Bumps with multicast, though, but I’m still looking into that.
So today, I updated the bzimage and init.xz files individually and tried to register a host and presto! It worked!
Once again, thank you everyone on the FOG Project team for your support and hard work on this project!