Disappearing images
We’ve recently updated from 0.32 to 1.2.0. Ever since the update some images are reporting normal size and they seem to work fine while others report 0.00 and will not work. It’s as if they just went away after the update. When trying to deploy those images that report 0.00 it goes through the normal process but right before the imaging should begin the machine just reboots and the task disappears. There are no error messages unless something is flashing by too quick to read. I’ve checked all of the settings within the image management and they are all good.
Make sure the Operating System and Manager type are both set correctly if this is a .32 image it should be set to partimage not partclone.
Both are correct.
Are the images actually still located @ /images?
Yes. I see no differences between the ones that work and ones that don’t.
Please post the output of ‘ls -alR /images’. Selinux is turned off?
You can find selinux on or off with[code]sestatus[/code]